Down in KL for the weekend, I made it a point to meet some bloggers and I decided to start with Earl, Cely and Hong Kiat (Cely's Boyfriend).

To my surprise, Earl is very different from what I expected him to be in real life.
I mean, for someone who named his blog, you would expect that he be some typical Ah Beng but Earl is anything but an Ah Beng.

While some other female bloggers love to camwhore in their best poses, Cely sometimes make herself look pretty stupid in some pictures just for the fun of it which is why I often found myself going back to her blog for more.

Then there is Hong Kiat who was pretty much quiet throughout most of the lunch but began to speak up when I was asked how many unique visits gets a day.

But the truth is.... I even lied then.
I get less than a 100 a day!
(And I love each and every one of you) :P
Check out Earl, Cely and Hong Kiat's blogs.
UPDATED: Cely just wrote a blog entry about our meet in her blog and in it, she compared me to a 2 year old baby saying
"Boss Stewie was funny and talkative, ji ji za za like a 2 years old baby who just start learning how to talk. Haha."
first yay ahahaha :)
i am such a prick ;)
okay, NOW i'll go read ur post and comment HAHA!
aiks.. my camera has a better lighting and everyone is looking at camera..
get from me :p
is the name famous blogger always associated with hot chicks?
i feel like startin a blog, make it famous by a year or 2,
then does that mean hot chicks come rollin in boss? ;)
less than 100? don't lie. lol
you said you lie? hehe...I thought more than 300?
what if I ask kennysia how many visitors to his blog each day and what you expect him to answer me due to humility?
damnit... i have not even gotten rid of william and andrew comes into the light..
*ahem yea andrew.. go start a blog so you wont compete for the 1st with me..
i totally agree with victoria... less than 100.. i mean.. c'mon... maybe less than 100 for an hour i believe you.
anyway..... *yawn
lastt.... hoooooooooo... i won the previous post.. nye nye nye nye nyeh!!! :P
hahahah that's what you get from calling Cely a silly camwhore, eh? :P
aww, we love you too !
lol :P
"I always thought Cely was a funny girl by the way she sometimes camwhores in her blog"
"I have to say though... that in real life... Cely is pretty good looking!"
So that that mean that Cely is NOT a funny girl and in the pics, she's NOT good looking? horrr... Boss said something wrong dee...
And Shireen, no need to mean kua... dun get rid of me la.. teacher said, got competition only got improvement wert!
kaninia, i remember posting a comment in the evening ... where is it?
nvm ...
so whats with my goatee, why half only ... stupid camera!!!
i receive a lot of DIU from ur readers..
can see ur readers love u so much.... but dun diu me la... cannot simply let ppl diu ga... :)
andrew: LOL... u joker lar andrew!!! and no ... on the contrary, boss doesn't know many pretty girls
cely: hahaha it's ok lar.. i'm not fussy on the pictures.. my readers already know that i'm a terrible photographer
victoria fong: why would i lie?? if i lie... i'd overestimate rather than underestimate right? :P
mic: nono.. i expect him to tell the truth.. just like what i'm doing.. we're both respectable honourable men :P
jason: his hair already so little.. can less some more meh?
shireen: hahaha... by the time i checked ur comment.. u're soooo far away from last place it's even funny :P
jackson: HMPH!
babybluey: AWWWwww.. thank u
william: hahaha nooo.. noo.. she's a funny girl both in real life and pics.. but just even hotter in real life :P
earl: woi dun scold my camera!!
suicidal: well i think i've already lost all credibility when it comes to giving estimates on my readership.. especially since nobody ever believes me :(
oh no... I'm not fifth... sad...
Yeah, Cely is beautiful...
joash: Lol.. but u're last.. no wait.. now second last!
by kukujiao request
*fold arms and tap toes on the floor... while rolling eyeballs
u shud be............. checking your comments more often and quickly updating after i am last *demands
but... heck who cares... i am.... as of this hour.. LAST again!!!!!!!!!!!!
mahai see ur readers so damn kau loyal, ask them to diu, they tiu, i ask them to come here and fuck u, i only got 1 "Chauhai"... and its not long also ...
Hey look, I'm last again. :D
Boss Stewie, next time come to KL, msg me loh. I want to meet you oso :D
earl so lengcai ah WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Whoa boss you so mean... cely's got like 20 diuuu's..
(Mental note: never insult Boss on own blog. Fanboys are scary!)
Timothy: you could have said something like...
'I told them I get about 300 a day and they didn't believe it... thinking that I should be getting 3,000 a day instead!
In their disbelief, they stood up & left without paying their bill... I stared in shock as they walked away from the table. Then Cely turned around and said, "you lied. you're not famous after all...what a waste of time"
My head was down & my face blank, when Earl walked back... I hoped he turned back to say that it was just a prank, instead he just said that he forgot to give me a piece of his kukujiao, and then proceeded to show me the finger...
Hai... KL people...'
yes,i think joash speaks the truth.wahahahahah diuuuuuuuuuuuUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
hahaha.. joash.. that was hilarious!!!
anonymous: hmph
shireen: hahaha oh sorry ler.. i have been away for a little bit... and as far as i can see now.. u are far from last
earl: hahahaha... yes my readers are such nice people
npo: hmph.. another one from earl
chapree: sure dude...
belle: yes he is very leng chai
jackson: lol... ok okok.. i guess i didn't expect sooo many responses on her blog.. lol
joash: hahahaha...maybe that's what really happened but i'm just not saying it :P
as requested: 8 Chauhaiiii for a prosperous New Year!
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