I don't particularly like the hassle of often having to go and have my hair cut.... but there is one thing I love about cutting hair.. the washing hair (head massage) part... ooohhh that has got to be one of the best things in life.
Anyway, having my appointment canceled, I found myself at Gurney Plaza yesterday afternoon about to watch Ocean's 13.

While waiting for the movie to start I actually thought to myself
"Hold on... why don't I just go get my hair cut somewhere here."
I walked around with my friends to look for a place when I suddenly came across a great looking place to have my hair cut.
But one of my friends found the need to warn me.
"Eh... this place, they cut hair for really young people... if you cut here they're going to make you look damn young... younger than how you already look!".
I thought to myself
"Younger than how I already look? Hmm... how much younger can I possibly look?"
So I decided to go on and give it a shot.
And 30 minutes (and one GOOD HEAD MASSAGE) later.
Yes.. I was wrong.. apparently I can look a lot younger than I already was.
Even Linsey was a little shy taking a picture with me in public for fear that people might think of her as a pedophile dating an under-aged school boy.
Tell me how bad it is...
Do I look 18?
Ok how about 16?
Ok 15...
Of course not! You look just like a 16 year-old :P
porcupined ~
No, eighteen!
(Secretly thinks thirteen, but takpelah. Pujuk dia aje) :P
Timothy: It's Alynna, yeah? :) Posting comments under 'Sapphira' now that I have to have a Google account.
i don't think that is Boss Stewie oso lah.. sure kah?
You look like my baby bro
your head look bigger! o.O
little ray: yes.. older than 15!
arsky: yes yes.. hahaha
sapphira: ahh!!! nice to hear you're still around alynna!
maniacz: sure lar.. is boss stewie hehe
alex: do i...? hehehe
cely: it's just the hair that's bigger.. don't be deceived.
definitely 16...haha
u know what? dye it a bit to make you look slightly older...xD
wah stylo ar?.. haha it does look very punkish and boyish..but i look like a boy boy also..so i cant comment about how old u really r..haha
u look odd *period*
O_o secondary school kid
hahahhaa.... u're still boss stewie... u cant change the fact :D
You look 17! O.o!!!
a bit the ah beng
but quite cute lar
you look.. umm.. *thinks hard*
Now I know!! You look exactly like a...
Pirated DVD vendor!!! XD
wuah looks like itu Ritchie Ren (taiwan singer cum actor)
Aiseh, really look young... lol
mae: wahahhahahahahahahah!! add highlights sure kena tangkap one!
boss: emmmmm, 20 yo with a 15 yo gangsta-wannabe hairstyle. Lucky no highlights, or you'll start looking like those cd rompak feller
leng jai, want to buy dvd or not? new stock wan.
so spiky and tall the hair now...can block people's view in cinema or not?
Boss..dam cute haha.
OMG... damn hiao.... i prefer the old cut.
Someone call the cops! He is underage! And he called himself a boss and conned a lot of bloggers! HELP!!!
*evil laughs*
Looking-good there, Timothy! Err...I mean, Timmy. *whispers to person next to me that he's probably 13 only*
muahahahahahahahahhaa. actually ur hair is quite nice. u'll look like one of those stylo young corporate execs whn u dress up for work. haha.
suits u lah. tho u look a bit younger. n u already have a baby face. haha.. how much younger u look wil prob depend on ur clothes.
time to lepak at shopping mall with your high school uniform and see how the cops react when you show them your IC
Permission to laugh??
I quite like it :D
It does make you look young though.
I say, 17 :D
Just replace the "F" label with a school badge and you look like you're wearing a school uniform.
haha..u definitely look younger..perhaps after f5 or juz enter coll..good if u wanna look young...but if going 4 biz meetings,erm...haha...ppl will think tht u r way too young :P not convincing enuff :P
bloomingtree: i think those sitting behind him thinks the movie got added grass effect ;)
lance: come come laugh together....
Em...no comments about your new hairstyle. What hair studio is that? Looks like Extreme to me. *starts thinking*
Anyway, I think you look REALLY REALLY young. Like 18. Haha. Isnt that a good thing?
Eh and I think ur hair could take an eye out if someone went to close to it. Scary oh!
whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa rou!
manyak bergaya. funky stewie!
Okay lah. Its not really that bad.. Its more of a fresher look of you. Makes you look more dynamic I would say. :D
ahahaha boss if i date u ill look older
u looked like highschool boi!i mean from the back xp
u look good.. =p
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