Now none of the houses there were particularly huge per say... but it was a nice classy neighborhood that pretty much reminded me of Wisteria Lane on Desperate Housewives... only with bigger and more expensive houses...
Now there were all sorts of houses.
I like to see houses as bachelor pads... more like.. you know, when you bring a girl home and show her your house, what they think of you. And it doesn't matter if most homes like this belong to happily married families.
I'm not married now.. and when I think of a home.. I THINK BACHELOR PAD.
So for example, after a long night at Zouk, you bring a chick back to your home which looks like this,
"Ahhh... a nice home for me to start a family... this guy's a catch! He'll never feel the warmth of another woman again.. NEVER!!! HE'S MINE!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA MINEE ALL MINE!!!!"
Or this house where she would think this is the perfect home for her man to go
"Honey I'm home...."
And for her to come up with an apron saying
"Honey.. I've made your favourite Fu Chuk pie tonight!".
Or the ones that look like nice little cottages.
Like if you brought a girl home to this house she'd say
Or this one where she'll say
"Wait... how old did he say he was again?"
Then there were the slightly more modern ones.
Bring a chick home to this one and she'll probably think you're quite a cool guy... with a nice yuppy-style house.
"I thought you were bringing me home? WHY THE HELL DID YOU BRING ME TO YOUR OFFICE!??!"
But of all the modern looking homes they had there... THIS ONE IS THE ONE YOU GUYS OUGHT TO CHECK OUT!
This house looks like... I don't know... YOU TELL ME.
On some angles it looks like a space ship.
On other angles it looks like a cockpit of an aircraft carrier.
I mean.. can you imagine bringing a chick home to this kind of house after being half drunk and all.
Then you could even act modest and all...
"Hey Lisa... I live in a rather small and simple house... there... here we are.. look out your window... really simple and boring huh.. nothing special".
1) "Ooooh... I lurrvee your house.. it makes me sooo hot I wanna touch myself".
Or if she's drunk enough...
so , boss , you gonna get one of those houses?
Boss go get one!! Then held blogger meet at ur house! ahahahhaha... Like that ur house sure habis.. HAHA>>
What is Fu Chuk pie? Sounds kinda wrong to me. lol
Eh boss, the first few pics look like they were taken by you but then the more classy modern ones look like they were googled. If you took all the pics then sorry for wrong assumption. Anyway, when you were taking the pics, did the owners or guards of the house not chase you? It would look to them as if you were surveying the houses trying to decide which one to rob :P
maniacz: hhahaa i WISH!
chee hsien: ahhh if i ever make it one day.. i'd hold a blogger meet in my house .. haha
little ray: fu favourite... dish
nicholas: lol.. yep.. all taken by me.. none googled...
bosssy! u havent seen those house at country heights.knn like castle! 4-5 tingkat got lift wan leh!
aiks...i think the ultramodern house is my friend's place....
is that Saujana? That's not Subang, if it's Saujana:D can't really recall any gated communities with such beautiful houses in Subang!
*Subang patriotism membara-bara*
Wowwwwwwww! Nice houses!
The last pic looks somewhat like leftover materials den put up to make a HOUSE.. :S
wah you so fast shopping for new house d ar? nuffnang pay you so well meh..those houses are in the millions man!..btw santa claus..i made an early christmas wish on my blog..c if u can help me or not?? hahahha
boss is fascinating~~~~btw which part in Subang are those house in? cant really recognize any of them around subang area...
looks like from tropicana damansara woh...
Hi Boss! Me newbie here..
looks like u looking for candidates to start family wor..
now shopping for assets to impress?
i'm impress btw.. ;)
i promise to serve u cheezels for breaky, fu chok for dinner and haagen daaz for supper
but u pay la..hehehheeh
belle: yah! i've seen.. crazy wan those! the ones at taman duta lagi crazy
jayelle: hehe... is your friend or his dad a pilot?
anna: LOL... the poor guy will be so hurt to hear you say that about his house
joe: hahahaha!!! i read your christmas wish dude.. the only problem is... i'm banned from doing the draw at nuffnang.. my partner ming refused to let me do it since he's afraid i would give it to one of my blogger friends... so the job is delegated to one of my colleagues
mic: lakeview bungalows at saujana
jo: hehe no ler it's saujana there
carv: no lar.. i don't have money to shop for assets yet so there's nothign to be impressed about
Wah...the last house really look like it's done using LEGO bricks but it got it's own uniqueness. I just wonder if it's spacious at all in the interior.
nooooo...haha i was just about to get happy onli..can bribe ur colleague ar with dinner?
Actually, the office-like house quite chun wor!
criz: hehehe i would imagien the interior to have high ceilings...
joe: hahaha can.. just e-mail our nuffnang admin and ask for marvel... haha
aaron: hahah yah .. kewl leh
oh nono! (anyway i think wrong house). HER parents are both doctors and she's studying medicine too. -_-.. but haha on that pilot part. didn't get it until now.
I think you can see if it's the same house from the photo i took with my friends that i used in my nuffnang featured blogger post. :) not sure if it's the same one. haven't been to her place ever since my first time there.
Walau all also chic chic chic.. dude are you hinting something....
i been to the house b4
i mean one of the house.. super big and nice... classy
and the dog have their own fence...
the last house looks as if the earth it was built on has sunk in...
woo kayanya.... i live in subang.. but .. how come my house doesnt look like any of those?
You should date a girl and you two go create a house like that haha.
Hey! My first time to your blog on the recommendation of a friend and I see my neighbourhood! (Although the post was posted back in the early parts of June) Excellent reviews on what a first glance of the houses is like. Hats off to you! Will be visiting this blog again! Cheers!
The 'office house' is my friend's house. What a coincidence. Hahaha.
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