I looked in my rear view mirror only to find a white Kancil had hit me hard in the back.
I slowed my car to a stop, instantly causing a traffic jam in the middle of Jalan Kuching.
It felt rather odd as I looked around at all the passing cars that seemed to be slowing down just to look at the accident that had just happened.
I bet a number of them were slowing down to memorize both the numbers of my car and the Kancil to buy lottery by the end of the day.
Anyway, Suet Li stayed in the car as I opened the door and slowly walked towards the back of my car.
The first thing I saw was the Kancil that hit me.

I paused for a few seconds before I dared to look at the damage on the back of my car.
Then when I garnered up enough guts to do so, I looked back and saw it.

There wasn't much damage. Just a little bit of paint transfer from the Kancil to my poor car.
I was relieved.
So lucky!!!
Almost like my Guardian Angel came out in the last minute to protect my car from further harm.

"Takpe la Boss... saya punya kereta kena sikit saja."
I saw a sign of relief on his face, initially thinking that I was going to ask him to pay me since he it was clearly his fault for hitting my back.
He shook my hand and said
"Terima Kasih Boss... Saya tak sengaja punya".
I nodded and said that I had to run off to work now.
I asked him if his car could still move and he said he was going to let it cool down for a while then try again.
I then rushed off to work.
Later that afternoon, I went to the Police Station to decide if I should make a police report or not.
At the car park there, I noticed some car wreckages.
Cars that have been in really serious accidents.
I mean look at this.
Or this.
If they were to make another "Berhati-hati Di Jalan Raya" Commercial.. they should do one with pictures like these.
I drove home... at 40km/h.
Many cars drove pass me and showed me the finger... but I smiled back at them.
So 40km/h..what time reach home ar??
To think I actually blogged about wanting to show a driver the Finger. The irony.
Oi ... the guy saw you drive such an expensive car, his balls also turn blue already mah probably!!! HAHAHAHA
Poor baby BMW ...
hehehehe boss
well if u lodge a police complaint but he didn't then they are gonna fine him.
you're not thinking of claiming insurance right? hehehe the fella's so gonna kena saman
bad boss bad boss
kuku: hahaha quite long... but at least i reach safely right? hehehe
little ray: was that driver driving 40km/h?
gwenny: no ler.. only sometimes i drive this car..
boss: no that's why i check with the cops first if he made police report or not... so far dun have.. so i don't make lor.. if make a lot of work to do
boss... better get ur car checked out anyway. My dad's car got whacked in the back before and it looked ok while the other car was bad. turns out, the metal beam inside the bumper was gone and the whole bumper needed to be replaced
Aiya boss y you go black out the car numbers. How to buy number now. Haiya susah la u.
Btw, wat's ur car colour's name ah boss?
Good thing he hit you instead of the other way around.. the back of a car is so much stronger than the front. Which is kind of odd, since accidents almost always occur by ramming something head-on
the front of the car is soft to allow it to crumple and absorb impact from a crash..the back isn't soft because no one rams something hard from the back unless that person reverses at full speed without looking back
Huah, glad you are okay. Jalan Kuching alot of accidents one, coz cars there all rushing, needa be careful a bit :-)
You're driving a Transformer izzit? That's why there's hardly a scratch. Kekekeke...
wahhh!!drive BMW lor!!!
bmw. worth to be dibapa ayam-ed. Eh, y i couldn't see your latest post until now one? not fair leh! vannot go "1stttt!!" edi...
jln kuching, famous of those terrible accidents..
My sister's fren had accident there b4.. hit by KANCIL (also), die on spot.
But urs are diff case ler ... ppl really drive very fast there. damn scary one.
btw, did u see me showing u the same finger also? hahaha
Poor kancil..lol..
Boss! How long did u take to reach home? XD
and just now when i was having a drink with josh he told me u met an accident this morning, i was like holyshit! lolz, anyway, glad nothing serious happened.
it was really ironic sometimes when somebody bang on the back of ur car and his car has serious damage while urs on the other hand just suffer minor scratches..
lesson learned, nvr buy local car
hahahhaa, expected edi... i was thinking if boss driving the beemer, sure ntg much one since the kancil also considerably small dent only.
Watched Transformers edi... i give 9.8 out of 10... seriously worth a 2nd watch, in fact, might go watch again this weekend. @#$%^&*&$# cool man!!!!!!!
Boss' bm also can change one hor? from City to BMW and back. More than meets the eye.
hahahha, and i guess that fler who bang from behind one sure say... 'DIU LORRRRRR.... BANG BM... HOW TO GANTI'
Poor Kancil~
lol, like that also call "small damage" ar?!
Kancil vs. Beemer = Now we know why we buy good cars yah.
Have you seen this?
tim... glad nothing harmful happened... u sure got a real kind heart... :)
drive City wor
slacker: that's what Suet Li told me about her dad's car.... ok I'll keep that in mind... it seems okay so far ler.. though the bang was quite loud
nicholas: hahahaha must black out ler.. after kena stalk
jackson: oh so that explains it.. it wasn't my guardian angel?
notjustakid: thanks for the enlightenment :P
hongkiat: haha.. yes yes... now i know
hao: hah.. if only my car can transform to a robot
gin: no ler.. that's my city that is made to look like bm
her feiness: hahaha i don't know wor
cely: wah .. what car was ur sister's friend driving
angry: quite long lor.. hehehe at the speed i was going
chan: hehe no ler.. i don't think it's because local cars are softer... as some poeple have mentioned, it's because the car is stronger at the back than front.
william: dun make me jealous.. i also want to watch transformers
david: just dent mah.. nothing serious rite
michelleho: hehehehe
michael song: no lar... small small thing only ler
jason: yah yah
glad both of u were fine.
that's very nice of you to let it go by not being petty about it.
Dude, whatever accident need to report within 24 hours regardless the other person report or not. U never know what wil happen
boss i like your honda city!!! looks so different from mine la!! anyway glad you are unharmed.
david: that's why i said considerably small damage for a kancil, if any harder, steering wheel also kepit the driver's chest edi lor.
jz thankful that no one got hurt. except for the kancil driver's bank account/insurance.
wow ur car so keng...kena like nothing only =)
vicky: hehehe small thing ler.. the poor guy prob has to spend enough money fixing the dent on his car
freethinker: but i went to the balai, and they told me that the other guy never report so nvm
wingz: hehehe thanks dude
miss: yah... the back stronger mah
cb wingz.i laughed shit out
oh boss glad u ok =D
boss...should claim money from him leh..u teach wan free things must take,Y DOWAN TAKE?!
Hmm.. I never heard balai advise not.it's to prevent 3rd party twisting the story
made in malaysia => tak boleh start after accident
made in other country => ntg happen after accident...
horrrr.... boss gave wrong teaching edi. "if free then just take"
Boss wat's the name of your car colour ah?
well hope all is well..actually spraying it back not gonna b cheap..i had mine resprayed also almost 200rm
Oh my goodness! Those pictures are scary! I'm glad your car was okay! =)
Have a nice weekend!
Boss, thank God you and the car are okay.
look at mine,
got knocked by lorry, after knock,
glass broken, door kemek, plate number snapped into two.
Thank God claim insurance, if not RM1k fly liao... :P
Bravo Boss for being a gentleman on the road...
You guys should have agreed earlier though whether to file for police report. Because, I believe, both should file, or none at all -- otherwise, one is a gonna getter...
thank God ur beamer still ok.. poor kancil tho.
bunch of them, crossing the busy road. quite stupid i will say, becoz the overhead bridge just few mins away, but they cross the road just like that. so one of her friends kena hit by kancil (at fast lane).
you're comparing a beemer to a kancil! of course la nothing!
wow those cars, are totally wreck, nice post about cars, keep it up...
1940-1941 Buick Shop Manuals
i just got out of an accident too last week..peh.. my car is still bashed.. and other dude well.. perodua and proton.. will definitely be a bug smash. A BMW.. like duh obviously laaa not much damaged lol. hahhaa goes to show how sturdy that car is..
bang u also get free escape, boss why dun u get the money n give nuffnangers more?
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