Honestly, I never always used to be like that. I had a turbulent young adulthood with a very tiny sense of patriotism.
I had no idea how it felt like to be a patriot and the hours of Pendidikan Moral and Sejarah back at school never really helped much even though I aced both subjects in SPM.
It was only when I left for the UK that I began to understand what being a Malaysian really meant.
There I was heading to UCL, the 3rd oldest university in the UK (after Oxford and Cambridge) off to study Economics at a faculty full of students from all over the world.

It is only when you sit in a room full of people from all over the world that your national identity suddenly comes closer to heart.
People would ask me where I was from and whenever I said "Malaysia", nobody ever said "Where's that?"
They all nodded their heads and often said something like
"Oh I love your twin towers!!! That has got to be the most beautiful building on the planet!".
It is at moments like this that I began to feel proud of where I came from.
Then there were the friends I hung out with.
There were the two nice Singaporean girls there that I met in my first year.

Then there was the group of Asians that I hung out with.

But being 10,000 KM away from home, sometimes it feels good to be around a group of Malaysians... to talk or even curse like a Malaysian.
People that will understand you when you say "Oi!!! Pundek!!!"
And for that I had a friend or two like Michelle who went to London with me all the way from Penang.
I remember this very moment when the group of us Malaysians stood in this picture in Leicester Square.
One of us hustled and said
And take a picture we did.
I spent 3 years in London with these friends of mine. 3 years sounds like a long time but it sure felt very short.

Many of my friends were adamant about finding a job and staying in the UK.
But my mind was clear from the start. I wanted to go home.
Even my friends back home were shocked when I told them that.

I admitted that the dear country that brought us up was not perfect.
But that just made me want to go back even more to somehow, make a change. It didn't matter if I would be earning in Ringgit instead of pounds. It didn't matter.
What mattered was that I went overseas to find myself... and now that I had found myself it was time to go home.
I did come home and along with Ming, we started Nuffnang which is something Malaysian that has caught the eyes of even those on other side of the world.
I really am proud to be Malaysian... I am.

But as for me... being Malaysian is enough to support any initiative like that.
Dear Malaysia... it feels good to be home.

1st 1st 1st!
me definitely a proud penangite!
den second a proud malaysian ok?!
Amazing speech bro. Love yr M'sian spirit. Hehe:) Keep it up!
man... no one to ask me out for movies at Angels' VUE and 4 seasons anymore...even ah quah also don eat so much boss... sigh... nway, glad that you are doin great in malaysia, boss! hehe... will join you in a year!
Thank God you came back and made changes here.
Holy cow, you so patriotic one ar... I missed Covent Garden...
Jo Tim,
being in overseas at this moment, I definitely can relate so much with your sentiments that you've felt. To an ironical extent, it feels strangely good and proud to be msian when I get to explain how msia is made up of different racial grps and how despite the differences we have coexisted and lived together for so long...
I certainly do wish I feel more patriotic abt Msia, but perhaps with the current state of affairs, I do think there's more for both the people to do for msia, AS Well as for the leaders for the people. With Merdeka coming up next month too...mm mixed feelings. Naja!
Finally, the real Timothy Tiah stood up.
I love my country(Malaysia) as much as you do too ..
Its only the people i cant stand ...
You know who i'm talking about rite??
al: haha yes yes i'm proud to be a penangite too
voch: hahaa thanks dude
jason: hahaha no lar no lar!
nohz: yes yes !!! faster come back and join me dude! serve thy country!
maniacz: adui dun say Hidup Timothy TIah wei... i'm not king or anything
freethinker: hahaha i missed covent garden too.. yes its true
stan: hey dude... i read a lot about what goes on in our country but as patriot doesn't curse and swear at the flaws his country, he tries to do his part and hope for the better. e.g. if you love your gf, you don't leave her for her flaws, you stay with her and try to correct her
giovoni: lol giovoni
vegemaster: no ler dude, it's not nice to generalize. i know a lot of very nice and capable people
"..as patriot doesn't curse and swear at the flaws his country, he tries to do his part and hope for the better. e.g. if you love your gf, you don't leave her for her flaws, you stay with her and try to correct her"
what a good phrase & good example. salute you!!
I was just going to ask you what Jason asked. LOL
The photos really bring back a lot of good memories, don't they?
how come u look the same few years back compare to now?
[People would ask me where I was from and whenever I said "Malaysia", nobody ever said "Where's that?"]
That's because you didn't go to the US. hee-hee
very patriotic ar..good stuff..true malaysian..
wah lao sibeh patriotic... i laughed damn loud when i saw ur uni's pics... very "jiwang" post this time around... i added the little thingy on my site as well... COOL!!!
Patriot siallllll..... surely must've knock ur head on some ceiling or a bunk bed when waking up one morning :P kidding bro..
I know what you mean, the 'i miss malaysia' feeling all came to me when i landed in KLIA and saw the 'welcome to malaysia' banner while still in the plane after coming back from US after 2 months there.
like what you said, its not a perfect country. but it's where i'd call kampung.
No joke man.. I got to know about you through kennysia.com and I think from now on i'm go be a regular reader of timothytiah.blogspot.com d.. haha.. what you're doing is good stuff man.. I have the same aspirations like you so go pave the way to motivate people to get going and make a change for Malaysia! No need to reach the millionares league, as long as what you did made a difference here!
Go achive the Malaysian dream..
God Bless Malaysia... =b
*chup chup* actually heard about you through a seminar back then at my school,(form5) SMKDU, PJ
from this really proud (of you) lecturer at HELP bout how tuitionhamster.com was created through your iniative.. darn my respect and admiration from you is increasing.. you're bigger than you think! Go further than you can!
our journey: lol thanks thanks
hao: yes they do!!! kinda miss my london days
cely: hahaha yes i never grow old eh?
ky: hahahaa lol.. yes i can actually see that happening there
joe: hehehe thanks dude..
michael: yalar.. quite jiwang rite
william: yes... not perfect.. but it's still home
jason: really? no ler dude.. really nothing to admire now.
timothy.. ur hair.... ur college hair.... ugh...
i like u now better. :D
i did a post about this too, but couldn't be bothered to go find it. bah.
i share the same view as u, except instead of only opportunities, i see the values, the acceptance, the comfort and unconditional love we receive back home. :)
hmm.. anyway, NICE post! love zit! ;)
Tim, looks like we have another thing in common. The aim to help take Malaysia further. :)
I left Melbourne not only for my gf but I guess there's something in Malaysia I can't leave behind thus making me want to help it go forth.
So when you want to start discussing how to takeover the world or Malaysia with me? :P
wow...thats the kind of speech u should be awarded with a Malaysia Boleh award/flag. Sounds like u've just came back from UK??
Its amazing to feel your love for our country via this post!
im sorry to say that i cannot feel the same way about this country. sad.
im not saying that i want to be singaporean either.
both countries dont strike my fancy.
so much is wrong in this country, so many things can be improved. sadly, it will take another 70 years, maybe.
nicole: hahaha!!! well glad you like it the way it is now
ehon: great to meet another one who loves being home
danny: eh why don't you send me an e-mail wei... lets set a time and place properly
gin: hehehe gin yes it feels like i just came back
tulipspeaks:thanks ammu :P
daphne: yes daphne.. i understand... but we will make a difference.. one way or another.
hi tim, i totally agree with ou on the whole patriotism thingy.
never struck me till i got back OZ myself, home is still the best!
n good luck with nuffnang!
Your post remind me of incident half year ago when i decided to work in singapore. I got the job there and start to work there for 2 days and i think and think and think, why do i to suffer and work so hard for other country. Malaysia need me, sarawak need me, so off i go. I rejected their offer because i haven sign with them officially and now i am working in Malaysia earning RM and i am so happy for it. I LOVE MALAYSIA.
What an uplifting write up..!! I hope alot more youngsters will be inspired by what you wrote.. :)
omg ... i was from HELP ... ADP 2000. Psych program. Aiyoh. Hey ... you so no class wan, laugh and POINT at ppl some more because he's Japanese, as if you come from some rural village where barbaric huntsmen still eat babies .......... malunya.
Penang... definitely proud to be a Penangite.
Malaysia, wait for me to come home.
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