Sundays are the most relaxing days for me now for two reasons.
1) I can work from home and not head into the office.
2) I don't get too many calls from clients.
So here's what I do on a typical Sunday.
I wake up in the morning, wash up then walk out of my apartment and take in a deep breath of fresh air.

Then I walk towards my car that will be quietly parked in my apartment car park, hop in and turn on my CD Player.
With Michael Buble playing in the background, I shift my gear and take a drive around KL City.
The roads in the city during a Sunday are fantastic.
They're always empty!

I sing away while driving around the empty roads.
"In this crazy life... and through these crazy times, it's you it's you... you make me sing, your every line, your every word, you're my everything."
After I'm done driving past the beautiful Petronas Twin Towers with the sunrising in its backdrop I head a whole different direction to a place in KL where even on Sundays there is a little bit more activity.

Like little Samantha here who couldn't keep her eyes open throughout the breakfast.

The food at the Bak Kut Teh breakfast always seems to come in stages.
First, there are the tea cups that you have to wash yourself in hot water.

Then come the tau pok and yau char kuay

And then finally... the BAK KUT TEH ITSELF... a proud Malaysian delicacy.

Or on catching up with my reading. I love to read.

Not Baby porn or something ok (If you even thought that then you are SICK!! SICK I TELL YOU SICK!!!!).
So that's how my usual Sundays are like.
Yesterday however, was not a usual Sunday for me.
A particular friend of mine whom I would refer to here as Rockingdandy thinks that I dress like a cow and he wants to do a "Boss Stewie Makeover" on me so I sacrificed my usual Sunday morning.
Instead of going for a pleasant drive around KL, I found myself here.
Taken to this nice place to get my hair cut because he says my current (now previous) hair looked like shit.
Rockingdandy did all the talking and telling the hair stylist what to do with my hair.
All I did was sit down and sip tea.
45 minutes and one orgasmic hair wash massage later... I became like this.
As far as he knows, I still dress like a damn hippie.
So he took my to Pavillion in Starhill and dressed me up.
So this is how Rockingdandy thinks I should look for the rest of the days that I spend on this Earth.
Ladiesss.... what do you think?
Do you think Rockingdandy just made things better or worse for me?
wow. thats like a complete makeover. lol. too stylish for a sloppy sunday at home.
eventhough you are already great in ur own old ways...i find u more sexier after de makeover..but i tink u prefer sumting tat is more laidback on Sundays, right? *drools*
genova: hahaha really? so you think it's better?
ricci: i actually thought you guys were going to say that he made it worse.. hahahaha
not bad at all.
girls dig guys wif black shirts!
lol xD
dude.. i think he gayed u up.. wahahaha
I am not gay...hahahaha....i'll turn him into a sexy technosexual...
i much more prefer ur old hair style..but overall the make over is still ok ler..but on sunday itself,i guess u need mr.happie t-shirt..XDDDD
I could be really mean and say that: I don't see a difference.
Or... Timmy!! You look so HAWT!!!
You take the pick. :D
hrm... i know where u went at night tho....
FRIDAYS... with sam, lou fu and kim.
i waved... and u pretended not to see me.. :(((((((((((
Err...err....not much difference? O.o But still looking good. =D Maybe u can call it a makeover if boss stewie dye your hair blue and white! same colour with nuffnang! haha..
Hmmmmmm.......... To be honest, you look good in the last pic... and I agree with sammy, girls dig guys with black shirt! sexayyyyyyyy..........
As with the hair, you look good with the previous hairstyle, will look better if you style it up though..
Now, with your new hairdo... I think it's OK lar..................*no comment* hehe...
gila: hahahaha!!! okok i'll give u back old boss stewie okie
sammy: do they? i thought guys wearing black shirts are a plenty
slacker: LOL!!!
rock: a what?
fong: YAY!!! mr happy!
nico: hehehe i like the latter
shireen: eh i din see u wei!!! i'm so sorry!
angry: blue and white.. right.. i'm sure i'll look stupid in that... like a fool trying to look cool
eve: ohh.. really? so u'd go out with me if i were to wear exactly what i wore in the last pic?
hmm.. I have mixed feelings~ I fancy the shirt and pants but not the hair.. makes you head look a bit bigger :P
Nice shirt! but your old hairstyle's nicer la boss..=)
better on ur old hairstyle..
this is too 'punked' for ur ahem.. innocent look.. lol..
nice shirt though.. or issit.. nice shoulders.. =P
hey! Is it the "Call me Irresponsible " album?
Meee.. anddd... mrssss... mrssss.. Joness, mrsss joness,, mrs jones...
hahaha! Good stuff man.
Hahaha this is the makeover you said you were going to get is it! Not nice la not extreme enough.
Erm....still the same le. but hair looks a bit funny. hehe.
jess: ok.. hate the hair.. check
cbb: yah! glad u thought so :P
michelle: haha ok noted noted
philip: no lar.. it's the newer one.. his latest album!
skyler: hahahaha okok i'll tell rockingdandy to make it more extreme
you don't look like very entrepreneur.
i have no idea whether that was a compliment or not.
I think the previous hairstyle looks cuter! Lol.
oooo... i luv.... hair wash massage..... Hmm...wonder why my hair is growing so slow to visit the hairdresser again...
tim... u should look like tis, i see the macho-ness... lots of gals saliva drooling already...
i think the old Boss Stewie looks better...but this one also not so bad lar..hahah
Hmmm.. The hair made your cheeks more prominent so you look a bit chubbier when you smile..
But I'm LOVING the clothes. Though it's probably more suited for a date than a lazy sunday. Can we get a picture of you in a suit? Please??
He made things better.
I think u look better after the makeover. Ur new hair style made u look more "clean" and younger. Maybe u need some time to get used with ur new hair style.
Don't think you want guys to say, "Boss you so sexy now, please marry me." Hahaha. Well, it is always good to try something new. And after all, if the hair is a disaster, hair will always grow back. :P
looks better though... :)
I think you should stick to darker one-colored shirts, something like the black one you're one.
just my POV...
Better, always better... :) Nice shirt and haircut!
Chicks dig formal clothing. So, I say you look great in the black shirt :D
I prefer your old hairstyle though. I think it suits you better.
*wonders how Boss Stewie looks like preppy style*
its my first virgin comment to u!..
U look great!.. & better!!...
wow have your hair cut in pandan indah? looks nice
short, neat and tidy hair..perfect!
new hairstyle made you looked chubby in the t-shirt, so he made you buy the black shirt instead?
i think your old haircute nicer. It makes you look sweeter then.
Now you look more man, but your smile still not man enough leh boss..
u went to pandan jaya/indah to get ur hair cut ar?
hahaha ok so basically all of you think that Rockingdady did something good :P yay
and yes joe.. i went to pandan indah aroudn there
That's for your dressed-down Friday....remember no gold watch, and no leather shoes with relaxed/baggy fit jeans (it depends on what kind of leather shoes)you're only 23, not 43...invest on a pair or 2 of good jeans like Evisu...sneakers sneakers...and it's not for jogging t-shirt with dragon or scorpion prints...haha...slowly boss....
choc: hahaha that kinda conflicts with what my makeover artist is telling me
rockdandy: hahaha!!!! okok.. no t-shirt with dragon or scorpion prints.. understand
No socks with sandals. Fashion disaster there.
more like a typical young entrepreneur now.
mean it for good tho.
cheng chun: HAHAH yes.. i agree
kelly: aww thank u!
hmmm, again fashion is very subjective, if you think you can carry it even you wear sandals with socks, why not? haha...but wait, pass Fashion 101 first, then we move on to 201...haha...but Boss ar, next time don't get all shirt "roll sendiri" one la, too many look a bit Jang (sorry for being not politically correct)...haha...
you look fatter with the new hair cut...
New Boss Stewie looks cool but Old Boss Stewie is more interesting.
i am not that slim... I AM SURE EVERYONE ELSE SAW ME!!!! *BLAME*
ok la.. chill pill... not so small gas la.. u belanja me fridays then i will be as happy as a 5 year old dy..
*clap hand
oh.. yea nice haircut.. =)
not kidding..
Okay, I'm the abnormal one who likes your hair longer, but I like the black button down. Should try it in white! Guys in white are super hot to trot. ;) Or at least, that's my opinion, hehe.
the shirt should be shorter, this one a bit long. Unless you have diabetes, where you def need to wear socks with sandals, dont do it!
new's fine, but i prefer your old... now you sort of look like a geeky college student on your way to advance software design 102 or some other geeky tech class... which isn't bad but it makes you look less professional which may leave a different impression on your clients.... ok, i'm taking this waaay too seriously! bah.
i like mr.happy!! twee!!! :)
Look like most of the people prefer your old hair sytle, but seriously, u look cute with ur old hair style. Anyway, the clothes suit u a lot, u look smart with it.
HAWT la! Officially hottest guy in NN now... :) hee hee...
boss gay boss
ok so i've had very very mixed reactions to this... i can't decide... how la how la
u look good in ur new hairdo! :)
Yeah the new doo..looks absolutely fabulous.
really cute!
looks great, really!
the old hair + the new shirt = nice , the bak kut teh at imbi one right?try the bak kut teh on the left. its more nicer
The hairdo looks like shit. Only Ahlongs anf Ahbengs would wear it. Wear a cap while waiting for it to grow back.
keep the old hair and pair it up with the new clothes, please :)
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