Ah that is something all of us grew up doing and some of us grew up hating!
I never liked maths to be honest and I was never really good in it. That didn't mean I didn't always scored in it. I always scored A in maths back in school and even in A-levels but that's ONLY because I practiced so much till I was good in it.
Not like some of you out there who never need to practice much and can still get 100% all the time.
Now somebody e-mailed me something interesting yesterday and I thought I'd share it with you guys.
These are some real life answers that some of our students give.
Ok here's an easy one that we all can relate to.

No need for all that
Menurut Teorem Pitagoras bullshit...
The next one is fairly easy as well.

Why didn't I think of that!!!
It makes perfect sense too... that's right Form 2 students... BURN YOUR BUKU SIFAR...
This is something I WISH I could've done in school.

This is hilarious...

Check out the teacher's comments.
"Very funny Peter"...
These kind of questions make me dizzy.

Now I can really relate to this math problem because as much as I hate maths, I ended up studying a BSc in Economics at UCL where the math was so intense it would make a grown man's balls shrink.
Seriously, they're so crazy over there that if they could speak in Math, they would.
So believe me when I say that I understand how this student feels.

Read the question first.

lol !~
thats hilarious. thank god math does not function this way.
Lol! Math for the insane or completely inept... Ugh, to think I did 3-d math in college..
hahah damn hilarious. Youths now are really creative!
OMG...i just cannot stop laughing! Thanks for posting this. It really makes my day :P I'll definitely share this with my friends :D
HaHa ...
Wow.. Boss.. Your maths is good !
Anyway.. I'm sure when it comes to bahasa .. Your blog post in Lengmou about that karangan blasts me off !!
OMG.. this just made me cracked up a heap of unstoppable laughter.
ur math is not thiiiisss bad rite???
I like the last one... the one with the elephant!!! wahahaha........ Gosh! That just made my day!
genova: AHHAHAHA... you mean TOO BAD math doesn't function that way
alex: wtf is 3-d math?? as if 2-d math weren't bad enough!!!
yong: yah! must be the koko krunch they eat :P
veronicle: hahahaha yah i had that same reaction too!
gila: eh how come u go dig up my old karangan
michelle: no.. my math is not that bad :P
eve: HAHAHAHAHA yah.. so funny rite.. hahaha
man thts so hilarious shite...so much so i also hate maths to the core.spm is lurking around and i am not even geared up for maths.sigh...hey boss any tips on how to study maths effectively.lol
and yeah i plan to study econs as well BUT when maths comes into play,i am afraid my balls will shrink mate!
orange: dude.. the math you will face at econs is not funny.. really.. unless u do a bachelor of arts in econs where they focus more on the history of econs more than the mathematical proofs of theories.
HAHAHAHAH how can he be funnier than me wtf. your comment about the sonofabitch damn funny i just peed in my pants wtf
OMG!! Never thought math answers could be so funny!! LMAO
love with the elephant so much....
MUAHAHAHA brilliant!
suet li: lol suet li.. u funny
shy: yes... and they make sense too
pharmalogik: hahaha yes it is brilliant
I've seen this before but no matter how many times I read it I will still end up laughing out loud~
I'm studying econs but I like the art more instead of the commerce approach.
Haven't got this email before but it sure made me laugh. My favorite was the "expand" - if I were really blur, I think I would do the same too
Wonder what would Ms. Jean do if you gave her this kinda answers?
Bestest Maths Lecturer in Help A Levels. LoL!! :P
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