That blog belonged to an anonymous Singaporean entrepreneur-blogger that goes by the name of Cobalt Paladin, someone that I have a lot of respect for.
Why do I have so much respect for this man?
Reading his blog gave me a very good insight on how the life of an entrepreneur is, not so much about the glory after you've made it, but more on the struggles in trying to get where you want to be.
Cobalt is so honest in his writings, it gives you a true depiction of how difficult it is to be an entrepreneur let alone a successful one. Even on my blog I censor out a lot of the struggles .
So why am I writing about him again?
Well...remember the time I lost my bluetooth headset to the washing machine and went to buy a cheap hands free set instead?
Cobalt Paladin apparently is one of the few people who read my blog each day.
He read about my bluetooth so he sent ONE for me ALL THE WAY FOR SINGAPORE.
I first found about what he was going to do when he e-mailed me for my address but I refused to give it to him because I couldn't POSSIBLY accept such a thing.
So he stole our Nuffnang office address in KL and sent it there (Yes, so if you guys want to send any hate mail, anthrax or bombs, go ahead and send it to that address. It'll reach me alright).
First of all, Cobalt is one blogger I have a lot of respect for and actually look up to. It makes my head grow big enough already having know that he actually READS my blog but also that he would send me a bluetooth headset all the way from Singapore?
That's like Brad Pitt telling you that he watches your home videos that you upload on YouTube and on top of that is sending you a contract to have a movie made out of them.
If you're reading this, please at least let me buy you a good dinner the next time I'm down in Singapore.
On another note, the evil side of me is thinking that maybe ... just maybe... I should write about how I lost my iPhone in a washing machine. BWAHAHAHA
Maybe someone might just send me an iPhone... BWHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
So let me try now..
PS: The iPhone in the picture is not mine okay. I am not loaded. It belongs to a Danny Foo. Yes he's a rich sonofabitch so go find him and borrow money from him or something. He'll probably even forget about the hundred thousands he'll lend you. All chump change to him.
Timothy Tiah uses an old Sony Ericsson ok?

PS 2: If you guys are interested, read about Cobalt Paladin and his struggles as an entrepreneur in Singapore, click here, here and here.
Aww sooo schweet... Boss, didn't you lose a girl in the washing machine once?
hahahaha that is a fantastic idea!
as a matter of fact I did...
evil thoughts of iphone. lol.
very creative.
I drove *my* BMW into a pond one day and it drown. Please email me for my address. Thank you. :-P
genova; hahahaha!
tenth: that's taking it even further!
boss, so coincidentally I sent you a pressie too. You will get it by next week in snail mail.
Cool !!
Wow... You are using k800 ?!
greedy you.. *sniff* i dun even get a phone for free... ~.~
Your kukuciao will be stiff and large again, depending on how many people show up to support you. I really, really, hate empty vessels kay? Muah!
Such a nice chap of Cobalt... What goes around comes around Tim... So you should start by giving people stuff as well. Hehe.. :)
bernard: eh ? what present?
gila: yes i'm using K800 :P
nico: neither do i :(
Aiyoh, no big deal lah... as I've said before, the bluetooth earpiece was just lying around and unused. But thanks for the plug.
By the way, me no Brad Pitt, read this and you'll know who I am. :p
Anyway, no need treat me to a meal lah. Thanks for the thought. :)
everybody so sayang boss.... :P
That's a lousy phone?? Walaueh boss you're rich lar..XP
cobalt: hhahaha i suppose u're a transformers fan too.. can see your wedding ring in the video
jac: yah.. i so lucky rite
cbb: pls lar.. i wish i'm rich
haha... Nice try~! ;)
i no bluetooth, who can send me?
eve: yah.. do ut hink it'll work?
michael: hahahaha ermm...
that's a pretty NEW sony ericsson ok! old is like T68i.
er... Boss ..
You deleted the chatbox ??
lucky lucky lucky charms..
Boss your K800's value is probably 3 times my phone's value. Boohooo..
errr Boss, i wan new kittens...can get me one or not?? LOL...
ugrhhhh... my thousand bucks shredded in the washing machine. kenot cello back... how? how?
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