Hasan: Oh man!!! I was in Tokyo for a week a few months back and I tell you... EVERY GIRL THERE IS HOT. I did not see ONE ugly girl in my entire week there. NOT ONE!!! It's like it's genetic... or like... like they dump all the ugly babies at birth (Like how the Spartans used to dump 'weak' babies at birth).
Me: Don't say dump lah.. just say exile.. they exile all the ugly people.
Hasan: Yeah yeah.. seriously... it was so hard to find an UNHOT girl there!!!
Samantha: Hey that's not true ler... I know this Japanese girl who goes for the same music class as I do and she's NOT hot.
Me: She's probably one of the exiled ones... she doesn't live in Japan anymore right?
Hasan: HAHA!!!
Some of you guys probably wonder how I spend my New Year's Eve every year.
Well while some people spend theirs at street parties or at clubs but believe it or not, eventhough I'm a huge party animal during the average weekend, every New Year's Eve I choose to avoid all the crowd and spend it with my family.

The good news of course is that Hasan is around this New Year's Eve so he spent it with us too.

Now one thing I love about parties like this is how everyone gets a "Party Pack" equipped with silly hats like this.

Even Samantha loves glow sticks.
She was constantly coming up to me the whole night saying
"Please help me tie this one around my wrist".

At least cuter than what Hasan and I did with them.
Anyway, after the countdown for New Year came and everyone was done singing Auld Lang Syne, it was time for me to adjourn for some other parties, but still never to clubs.

So instead, I go to some house parties like this one held by my friend Gin here.

There guys drink and laugh together.

So yeah ... there you have it everyone.
That's how I spent my New Year's Eve.

Happy New Year EVERYONE!!!
Oh and as for the bet I had with my friends to have a girlfriend by New Year 2008... well....
Update: To avoid any confusion... I LOST the bet larr!! *Sniff*
well what then? o.O
from the pics i think you won the bet issit? xD
You don't have one? Don't bluff. =P
Happy New Year!
happy new year brother... damn, u won the bet... shouldnt hav bet wif u... anyway, takecare of her k, dont let her slip off tis time around k...
pink: eh what pic?? hahaha no lar... none of the pics are supposed to imply anything
silver: hahaha happy new year!
michael: eh eh!! no ler.. the pics are not supposed to hint that I won or lost the bet :P
pink: eh what pic?? hahaha no lar... none of the pics are supposed to imply anything
silver: hahaha happy new year!
michael: eh eh!! no ler.. the pics are not supposed to hint that I won or lost the bet :P
eh i know the girl in the last photo... my junior in high sch. heh!
NVM, can bet again THIS year :p
eh boss....samantha is right there for you for the whole of 2007 la. make sure u dun let her slip off anymore in 2008!!
if u wan i m sure u can get hitched anytime :P
Lol,bet again loh.....before chinese new year,u sure hav a lot of pressure right now,nvm de lah,just b single lo,more freedom mah
Wah! Bossy have a nice count down! U really lost the bet arrr?? Don't buff lah! Happy new year!
wahh piang ehh boss... at least sum1 had more fun den i did... i spent d new year eve watching a movie den went 2 a club... bt it was raining like crazy last nite... so in d end i gt drenched until my 'brader' oso felt cold ahh... LOL... so sad... at least i gt hot gals accompanying me... Muahaha...
happy happy new year boss!
eee.. lidat oso wan bet meh.. not good larr..
aiyo... boss..why leh no consider Samantha?
anyways, why is the dude in picture #12 wearing coat???
Sam is hot !!
Anyway, happy new year Boss... :)
Nvm boss there's still 2008! And girls are aplenty out there even if the one around you isnt the right one. sure can wan! anyway happy new year boss =)
"obi-wan has taught you well my son"
wuahahahaha!!! since when star wars characters wear Tuxedo?
Hello, first time commented on ur blog. I'm a frequent visitor of ur blog and u inspired me to become a blogger.
opssss..tot u got s*mantha...LOL!!
neway, happy new year!!!!
happy new year tim!!
all the best to come.. *mwah*
I would like to know your godmother more, please?
happy new year! and looks like u had heaps of fun man..
Happy New Year everyone!
can i be your godfather?
how about sa....m.....?
everybody, doesnt that look like its more suited to be a ring rather than glow-stix?
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