When I think back at my past relationships... I can't remember the turning point when we became a couple. I just remember waking up one day and thinking...
"Hold on... when did I become "Darling" and what are we doing grocery shopping together?"

I mean how do you cross the line from being John and Jane to boyfriend and girlfriend?
Here are a few ways that some of my friends have told me in the past.
1) Holding Hands
According to Nicholas here who just recently got attached, he says you'll know when you're in a relationship when the guy holds the girl's hand in public when walking and the girl doesn't resist.

2) Kissing
Some people say that the deal of being in a relationship is when you make that first kiss.
And when I say kiss, I don't mean a kiss on the cheek like what Dawn Yang gave this lucky dude.

I mean an actual kiss like that.

3) Shagging
When I was studying in the UK I had a close British friend that went by the name Alex. He was a babe magnet, he came from a well-to-do family and he was charming and confident to the extent that it was actually beginning to border arrogance (He never went over that border though).
So anyway, Alex used to tell me two things.

The first thing he said to me when he found out that I had a girlfriend back in Malaysia at the time was
"Mate... what the hell is that for? As if your dick could reach that far!"
Now the second thing he used to tell me was
"Mate... until you shag a girl you're dating, you're just best friends that kiss".
4) Farting
One of my friends told me that you know you're in a relationship with the girl when you like her and yet you can fart in front of her.

5) "Will you be my girlfriend?"
This is what some people do. And heck I got together with my first teenage girlfriend this way.
Just ask "Will you be my girlfriend?"
And if she says "Yes" then yay!!
If she says
"I can't... I like you too much as a friend"
Then you're totally screwed.
6) "Meet my Girlfriend"
Now here's what I think in my opinion is when you're really in a relationship.
It's when a guy goes out with this girl that he's kinda dating, then suddenly gets to know a really really really friggin hot chick which lets say is named Jenny.

"Hi Jenny, meet my GIRLFRIEND".
Then you're in a relationship.
hmm... lucky u... looks like u've finally found ur mate. :) good luck!
as for the kissing and holding hands part, good friends can still do that to each other. so i guess the real acid test is when ur partner introduces u as his/her bf/gf. :)
who who who?
surname WONG?
Have you done number 3 and 4 just yet boss. :P Or that would be too fast for your liking? Hahahahaha.
You should add one more to the list... That is when you announce to the world in your blog that you are attached and introduce her to us, then you're officially in a relationship ;)
immi: no lar.. who sayy!!
ky: hahaha pls lar!!!
cheng: hahahahahah no larrr.. hahaha i innocent wannnn
iamthewitch: hahaha no ler i dun thikn i'll dot hat
So lame post!!! HAHA...-_________-
Anyways, who is that hot chick in the last entry?
boss stewie!!! stop stealing other hotties' pictures and post them on ur blog, I am getting a nose bleed already! =P
boss didnt deny ky's comment! means that is true? :D
but whether true anot... i will still say:
ohh... macam ini... i see...
haha Tim's girlfirend?
samanTIAH lor.. --___--
samantha ur gf? hehehe..
tot of asking u whether wana be my bf.. hiak hiak.. oh well.. nvm then..
vainprincess: haha that was a random pic of a random girl
mrchrispy: hahahah!
pink: ehh!! who say it's true!!!
yap: samantiah loll
devil: ohh... hahaha!! i don't know what to say
wah i still dunno how to find out wor, none of your description works for me :P
told u everyone wants her to be sam. :P
Well, guess there's not much left to say is there?
I mean, I know, you know, we know, they know, she knows...
So I guess it's all just a matter of time before Tim finds love again...
All the best Tim!!!
P/S: Confucius say: Man who makes loves with rubber is much better than man who makes love with right hand.
i agree with all.except the sex part.can b gf bf without d sex wat.
yalor.agreed with reenz. why MUST have sex laa..
Boss nak marry soon? ;p
I am sorry to tell you this but the farting one is TRUE.
I hate to break it to you but the moment your girlfriend farts in front you, you have gotten yourself a WINNER. :D
finally the girl is going to get the recognition she deserves as your gf ah stewie! :P
everyone has the same thought as KY ler... :P
the only thing is - what took you so long?!! :P
Ya lorrr why so long!! Don't shy lah.
We need to know. The suspense is killing. This is not a korean love drama lah. No need to wait for the 100th episode to reveal that you're a couple.
Hehehe.. S W W Q? Hehe. Please tell lah please please please.
So you are now inspired to be in a relationship? ahah. which friends are u talking about? ;)
nice entry... i like the last one, haha...
ur fren alex is really hot! looks like keanu reeves abit
dun suspense anymore lah.. pls let us know who is it..
even if ur shagging she might not be ur gf... heard of fuck buddies? Or friends with benefits for that matter?
I think it's a decision. Being attahed is a commitment to another and you feel that commitment from your partner too. It's the trust that u are dating exclusively. And it's based on the famous 4 letter word -- LOVE (not fuck)
me thinks i know who. I wonder whether Mich will comfirm with me anot. =P
Hi Boss, the farting part is totally true. My boyfriend do that right in my face all the time. And I can introduce you to him. He is MrChrispy. =)
I like the farting part but is it really true?
what's taking you so long fren??? at least tell me in msn 1st la, no need announce whole world yet. i hush hush for you, i promise
*no people, i WILL not tell. friends keep secrets* right boss?
seriously...my bf fart in front of me all the time..sometimes even put my face in front of his butt b4 he "phhhhuutt"
ANYWAY U WITH SAMantiah ahh?!!!! omg omg finally
ehh forgot to list down,
1.you will know a guy is in a relationship if he is suddenly so busy to attend yum char talk cock session with you
2.you kinda always see him speaking of that girl..as for you boss U BLOG ALOT ABOUT HER HOR~~
3. u dont see him dating other girls oledi MUAHAHAHHAHAHAHA (SAD PART LA)
when did i ever say anything about samantha
eh, when she swallows lah and u don't have to pay!
WTH. Will people stop posting that pic of that guy with his shirt off?
WTF is he doing with his shirt off anyway?
Kim: A blogger said recently - all boyfriends pay. Whether in the form of shopping, gifts, attention, & time spent listening to girl's emo moments and watching chick flicks when we'd rather be watching Iron Man. Paul McCartney is paying US$46 million for a few short years of shagging. I paid RM5,000 for trips, bags & food bills for 5 times of shagging in 3 months. Yeah, yeah I was conned and trapped like a "water fish". Mahai, RM1,000 each time. Even though 2 of those times was kinky as hell, and once was outdoors. Was she a "pro", or did I have a "relationship" with her?
All guys pay, babes. All guys pay.
It's not measured in sex or swallowing, it's measured in whether she'll stick by you, do little things for you and how much she missed you (not your credit card) when you're not around.
Ah crap, why does my mouth run faster than my brain.. I've said too much, Boss can you delete the above..?
So, you introduced Miss Wong to Jenny? Miss Wong also not bad mah.
who is Jenny?
hmm boss..i believe all the things listed are definitely true..
and also another, you'll quite often no where to be seen during group outings.. :)))
wow. so you attached la. share who the girl lei? pretty? rich or not?
See? I told you we are just waiting for you to announce it. I know, you know, he knows, she knows, we know, everyone knows! Tim, what take you so long????
I would totally shag your friend Alex.
I noticed u are doing no 4 at ur new pacmee msg..
Is this observer looking at the rite direction....
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