Whether he was going to work or not, he was going to live a comfortable life.
He drove the flashiest BMWs, frequented the VIP areas of the coolest clubs and being a guy, spent money on every gadget his heart desired. Terence knew how to enjoy money.

One girl took notice, her name was Amanda and she was by any means one of the hottest girls that any guy would ever lay their eyes on.
She could walk from the South Court to the North Court of MidValley and at least 10 guys to turn their heads and look at her... she was as hot as this.

She knew exactly what she wanted in life and it wasn't a flourishing career up the corporate ladder, it was security... financial security to be exact and she saw that in Terence.
Terence wasn't perfect and as a person had his own set of flaws like any other man, but it didn't matter... the bank account that his family came with was enough to make up for it and to be fair... there's no cry no foul for Amanda liking that part of him.
Donald Trump's beautiful wife was one asked if she would have fallen for Donald Trump if he wasn't rich.
She replied
"Do you think Donald would fall for me if I weren't beautiful?"

Amanda whether with her beauty or charm or personality managed to eventually hook Terence.
Months into the relationship, Amanda got pregnant.
Terence's high profile family struggled to deal with the problem.
They at one point considered having an abortion but Amanda would refuse anything less than a marriage so that the baby had a proper home to stay with.
Tied with Terence's mistake, Terence decided to go ahead with the marriage and eventually got the support of his parents.

A few years later into the marriage, a crisis hit Terence's family business.... the 1997 financial crisis to be exact. Just before 1997, many Malaysian companies were on an expansion path with the KLSE being one of the highest traded markets in the world in terms of volume.
To expand, you need money and when you're a huge public listed company, getting banks to lend you money isn't too much of a problem.

The interest rate in Malaysia is relatively higher than the interest rate from the many developed countries overseas so many local companies borrowed in USD from overseas banks, Terence's family business was no different.
When the financial crisis hit, the ringgit depreciated from RM2.5 to USD1.00 to something like RM5-6 to USD1.00.
That means if you borrowed RM100,000,000 before the crisis, that figure inflated to RM200,000,000 after the crisis. Terence's family business tanked overnight and his father was declared a bankrupt.

Fortunately for Terence, he was smart and he went to a good university so finding a job wasn't too much of a problem for him. Amanda too had graduated with a degree but working wasn't really quite her thing, she found herself in a bit of a fix.
Just two years later, Terence caught Amanda cheating on him with an older man. He was dumbfounded and depressed.
What the hell was going on that this woman he had a baby boy with had to be cheating on him with an older man.
Some say... it was because of the financial security that wealthier older man had... some say... love is blind.
They eventually filed for divorce. Terence kept the only child they had and Amanda went on to marry the older man to live the life of a socialite.
The story of Terence and Amanda got me thinking about one thing... about the ups and downs of life.
It is inevitable that in anyone's life, especially where business is involved, there will be ups, there will be downs. Richard Branson's successful Virgin Atlantic airlines had almost failed once but today stands tall with a fleet of aircraft and a brand name to die for.

Closer to home, I have met many rich businessmen with wealth in the millions. Many of which have told me how they had succeeded, then failed... then picked themselves up to succeed again.
People will always have their ups and downs (and don't get me wrong.. ups and downs need not be measured simply with dollar signs).
I feel that right now I may perhaps on a small scale be experiencing my 'UP' or at least on the way "UP". One day... I may very well face my down. Things can and will go wrong.
Hence, the girl I will eventually end up with need not be really pretty.
She need not be cute. She need not be hot. She need not be sexy.
The one thing she needs to be though is strong and committed.
Strong enough to give me her strength when I am down... and committed enough to sit with me through the storm.
I've always thought like that..
nicely said.
Sam ah, boss hinting eh!
very profound statement...
i cannot agree more towards your last statement :)
Was the intention of the post telling the Amanda story or as a means to bring out the final statement ?
Sam is strong wut...
boss, may u find your other half whoever it may be ;)
this time i shall not speculate. you'll let us know when the time is right ;)
Hey... There is one besides you which strong, cute and most importantly available!!! HAHAHA... give you a hint.. The one who go with you the the Malaysian Dreamgirls's home... And her name start with "S" and ended up with "A" or "I" if you want to.. Still no idea? come visit my blog and you will find the ans. PEACE...
i like the answer replied by Melania. She not only pretty but smart too. Well, i hope she is not a gold digger like Amanda do. But this is reality world.
Oh yeah... Forget something... it's about nuffnang webpage... Er.. I looked like and alien when I put my picture inside... Is there any optimal size for that? I hate being alien... Makes ppl run away...
its not easy to find a soulmate tat she will be with u no matter wat happen.
boss, hope u will get a soulmate be with u 4ever.
Very well written Timmy :).
always be humble and not flaunting that u're rich will make the trick.. Gals will naturally attracted to the real u when the times come.. that's wad i believe.. >.@
Good Luck!!
Sam juz around.. haha
what happened boss ?
you will find her. you just gotta believe in yourself. when the going gets tough and the one sticking with you through thick and thin is/will be the one.
p.s. whats with you and all these hints lately ah, boss? you are close to 'closing the deal' is it? thats why you are preparing us for the announcement? :P all the best!
good one boss...
hehe... ET! i do so hope that you find that girl who would stand by you through thick and thin but remember, as a guy, you must remember to cherish her when she comes toodling along. *hint* *hint* :D
cheers mate!
very well said. :)
i hope u find that gal of ur dreams n that she'll make u happy. life is tough enough as it is. so i hope u'll have a smooth one.
cheers tim.
Tim, you have make someone pregnant as well, ah?
Don't worry la, if a girl really love you for who you are and not for the bling bling, she will embrace watever up or down wave together with you all your life. Cheers
P/S: I can't agree more with your last statement :P
to find a great girl when u r rich, head on to become a toilet cleaner, if somebody loves u, that's true love! lolz! (as if tat'll happen)
anyway, girls need security from guys, guys too need security from girls and boss, have the same thought as u man ;)
Ehh wat happen to your fren terence eh?
TO Amanda.. may u have herpes... hehehehe
no lah..u need a blur one...just like wwq!
Hey Tim, remember me... Dr Mike. Hey hows it goin? I still follow ur blog although as a guy of few words i hardly give my 2 cents worth. For this insightful post i must give u my 2 thumbs up. Well written. I hope Terence(if thats his real name) doesn't get pissed off by it.
Good post Boss.
There are always ups and downs in life and we are in the quarter of our lives. I'm sure there are more to come.
But most of all, we must live life to the fullest too. :)
a story well told.
well on the bright side, at least terrence can get rid of a girl not worthy of his love
true love will find it's way to him, to you, to everybody, and the best way to maintain a relationship..is to be greatful with what you have, treat the special things you receive as a bonus, and don't expect, because expectations comes with disappointment. the bigger the expectation is, the harsher the disappointment will be.
ur requirements seems to be simple, and i'm sure you will find her in no time! =)
My thoughts exactly boss. I have nothing to say becos I agree with eveything you said in this post
i wan part 2 of this story can arh?? =)
Give me all your money, Tim, then you can find your true love!! :D
Terrence should have used condoms! XD
wah y suddenly so deep..lets hope ur run in success continues la ar!
HAHAHAHAHA "She need not be cute. She need not be hot. She need not be sexy."
Lightning strike you then you know.
i am offended!! *perasan* lol
Follow your hearts
My favorite tag line
Wuah ... boss its about time huh?
Give me 5 man!!!
I'm thinking abt the same way too
you're the man
*nods head frantically!!!*
i believe in fate.
do you?
it's a classic setup. see it's a fair share of greed between these two people. the woman wanted money and status. the man wanted a lady who he could show off as his pride and fantasy sex i suppose. no one's to be blamed.
Good thing you found Wenqi. Hey I heard NUF is trading at $4.30 this morning on SGX. Mr. Lim must be desperate in over taking Nuffnang.
Oh boss, my sources also tell me that Google is considering a hostile takeover on NUF to secure their status in Asia. Very reliable 1, from the asian trading desk of a bank.
yr rival looking to make instant profit leh like that how?
p.s. looks like roast duck 1 year supply is on you this time.
Very Very Sweet...
Wow. So profound. Didn't see the ending coming after the way you started but... wow.
It's true. The people who stand by you during your worst times of your life are the people you should invest in. The people you know you can 'afford' to love. Cos the price of these kind of 'shares' can never go down.
Hmmm. Wrote about this once before. Will write about this again soon. You've sparked off another series of thoughts. Thanks, Tim. =)
you've matured baby :)
Why so emo boss
lol. the end is emo. but i love your post! very nice
salute boss!!
love yo post.
"She need not be cute. She need not be hot. She need not be sexy."
sorry boss.. i not eligible :(
I feel that way too. When ever things are going fine, I think what would happen if I lost it all?
Who will stand with me when I have nothing? The people I know, will they still see me the same way?
Thats why it's better not to be attached to material things. Buddha says all component things are not permanent. It means that everything is not permanent, don't get attach to what you have now.
Find happiness in the moment.
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