Seriously you gotta love Singapore.
I mean they actually have a center JUST FOR EYES and they call it the NATIONAL EYE CENTER. HOW COOL IS THAT!
You know... maybe a National Hand Centre, National Belly Button Centre,
So okay I was getting consultation from the Doctor there when he said:
From the many other reasons why I suffer from a Recurring Corneal Erosion, one of the reasons is because... my left eye (which is the eye that always gets hurt), doesn't blink.
Yes... you heard me.
As simple as that!
According to him, it's because my eye doesn't blink on a regular basis that it begins to get very dry being constantly exposed to open air hence causing my cornea to flake off a little bit when it's dry hence requiring me to put a lot of eye drops.
and when I say a lot of eye drops I mean NIAGARA FALLS kind of a LOT.

Who thought blinking could be so important.
So well the Doctor layed out some for me to help cure my recurring corneal erosion. There were options that involved surgery and options that options didn't involve surgery. Naturally I prefer the ones that didn't involve surgery right.
And one of the options that didn't involve surgery was for me to start blinking my left eye more often.
How hard is that! Imagine trying to remember to blink every 30 seconds of your life.
I tried when I was sent back to the waiting room and it didn't work for me.
And here is the positive side of this situation.
First of all, the Doctor said that I need to blink my left eye more often right? He didn't say anything about the right eye.
So when you blink one eye only... that's... a wink right?
A wink is also another way for the male species to flirt with the female species (at least during the old days... now people just SMS-flirt).
So now say I go out and see a hot chick.

I'm not gonna hesitate to WINK at her.

And hey.. it's a win-win situation for me.
First of all, if she takes my wink well and responds with another wink then I just got lucky.
But if she doesn't and thinks that I'm some ham sap lou then I can just say
"Sorry... can't help it.. Doctor's orders!".

Now I'm gonna go wink at as many girls as I can... any of you know any girls I can wink at let me know okay
I oso wan join. *Wink Wink* Haha
First :D
good luck winking dude! get well soon!
Boss, in case you don't know, in Malaysia we have Tun Hussein Onn National Eye Hospital , just as we have Institut Jantung Negara (National Heart Institute) Institut Jantung Negara. So, it's nothing special at all.
nicholas: *wink*
kimberlycun: *wink*
simon: ohh yeah i forgot about the heart hospital but i actually didn't know bout the eye hospital. ignorant me!
*wink* the eye hospital is in pj. near armada. *wink* but if you want a more high tech and nicer place then there is one in midvalley. damn banyak orang go there. *wink* *wink* haha.
recover soon! *wink* ;p
hahaha..happy winking
haha... your left eye muscles are going to be so tired.. haha.. happy winking tho..
or maybe you can start using natural tears?
U should improvise ya know... winking at others, for example to pakcik jual cendol tepi jalan, kucing, tong sampah, cars or even ur beanie bag in ur office...
If people stares at u with this look that describes "EEeeeeeee mamat ni kurang siuman ke sampai ada perasaan kat tong sampah tuh?", just think of this... MY CORNEA NEEDS ME TO WINK!! OR ELSE THERE WILL BE NEEDLE POKING INTO MY EYES...!!!
Or.. maybe u put electronic device that forced ur eye to blink... (Wujud ke that device?)
Anyway... Happy winking and hope u r getting happy fuss free cornea soon.
p/s Is it genetic thing that u don't blink much? Just curious...
I wanna go to the national boobie institute! Hahahahaha
boss... if you suddenly wink cos u need to keep your eye moist........ wat if u suddenly wink to a man who's likes guys?... or a desperate auntie?... cham la boss... den it's possible when u wink to a girl you prolly get a slap or kena sepak by the bf....kesian...
hahah.. aniway..funny post
I pray for you that no girl slaps you are you are winking too much. That can be quite disturbing you know. Hahaha.
Oh good to hear it's just an extra dose of winking, not surgery.
So what did your regular eye doctor say when you told him about this winking solution? Hehe... Wonder how he did not know that?
omg 1: you came to
omg 2: who's that hot babe?!?! Did you steal someone's display picture again? naughty timmy!!!
P/s: Hope your eyes get well soon =)
poor boss =(
boss is gonna gte a gf real soon like tht huh ;P
*wink wink wank wank wink wink... LOL...
suet li: that's no need to feel sorry for him! who asks him to peep so much at girls =P
if the girl's the one in the pic, i dont mind winking involuntarily ahh... force-winking..
see u this weekend then boss?
who is that girl in ur post? I also wanna play "wink wink" XD
get well soon and happy winking! =D
for a start, wink at each and every staff at nuffnang, there you are guarantee save from being slap by any who thinks you are ham sap. get well soon la!!
kesian u boss.
sending lots of blinks ur way!
Dear Tiah
Have been over to your blog a few times and it is always refreshing to be reading your blog posts, be it advertorials or your true life blogging sagas.
Sincerely hoping that your winking eye will get well soon, so that you can come and see my blog soon. Will be at the 1st Nuffnang birthday party this weekend, by then hope to see you there.
Thanks again for making this happen, it brought another chapter of new meaning to all of us bloggers.
remind urself to wink everytime u take photo, cause u take photos very frequently =D
peggy: Thank you :P *wink* I didn't know that
genova: *wink*
em: i'm already using natural tears *wink*
twinkle: Yeah.. won't you rather wink than kena poke in the eye with needles??? *wink* i don't know if it's a genetic thing.. even the doctor doesn't know why
david: lol *wink*
jac: then i better make sure not to wink at those ppl.. but i can sitll wink at u *wink*
cheng chun: *WINK* *WINK* *WINK*
michelle: thank dude ... i didn't tell him yet.. but he'll probably aask him to give him a wink haha *wink*
mrchrispy: hahaha i don't know who the hot babe is.. just a random pic man *wink*
suet li: *wink*
cbb: hahaha maybe *wink*
super: oi... *wink* ler.. not *wank* lol
ky: *wink* thank you
william: yeah me too *wink*
zephyr: random picture i found online dude *wink*
rabbit: thank you *wink*
mackerel: kenot.. half the staff here are attached... *wink*
mae: thank u.. *wink*
valkrie: valkrie... thank you for your very kind comment. Please do say hi to me when you see me this weekend so i can thank you once again for this nice wonderful comment. *wink*
singzee: yeah i'll do that.. *wink* haha
dude.. you winked the wrong eye in the pic.. :)
Boss! I think there's an Eye Centre in Midvalley if I'm not mistaken. I was just passing by and I hope I 'saw' correctly but do check it out. It's just at the floor of the bridge to Gardens.
Hopefully I was not mistaken.
Boss, eh kful..wink at wrong girl, the boyfriend come whack you without you having time explaining. X'D
Then left eye wink become left eye swelling..(Right fist punch left eye-mirror effect*)
All the best winking then!!
Boss, eh kful..wink at wrong girl, the boyfriend come whack you without you having time explaining. X'D
Then left eye wink become left eye swelling..(Right fist punch left eye-mirror effect*)
All the best winking then!!
SNEC is darn expensive boss... I know cuz I was in the Medical Corps.. love to get the commissions for referring patients there.
BTW, SNEC treatments are NOT TAX DEDUCTABLE nor it is deductable from your CPF and means.. NUFFNANG can't pay for yr treatment hor.
it's under the GOM 404/16-02-01.So don't run foul of the health benefits OK? The doctors there are great anyway..better than TTSH.
Which reminds me..I have to stick to an appt coming up, cuz I failed my eye exam to renew my driving *(you nuts) License...
Get well soon...
wad if the more u wink theres more scratches on ur eyes!hahaha!
nah jk...
take care...
wad if the more u wink theres more scratches on ur eyes!hahaha!
nah jk...
take care...
*winks* (multiply by about a thousand)
conclusion - eye spasm.
u blink the wrong eye for the photo..haha..the photo showed right eye but suppose to be left :P
oh national eye hospital! i used to go there on a yearly basis :P
anyway, have fun winking. (:
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