When he hopped in, I asked him
"Oi.. your gf leh?"
And he said
"She's still sleeping. You know I feel that girls always seem to have a harder time getting out of bed than guys".

I thought of someone I had spent time with and it's true. Every morning when I wake up next to her, she's still asleep.
And if I don't intervene to wake her up, the clock will hit 12PM and she'll still be asleep. And believe me, just telling her to "wake up" is not enough to wake her up. First I gotta go turn off the air-con, then pull off the blanket and go make as much noise as I can washing up.
In fact, here's what annoys me the most.
I wake up later than usual when she's around because just when I want to get out of bed and go brush my teeth, she cuddles back into my arms resting her big head on my shoulder and that warm feeling feels soooo good it makes me want to stay in bed.

Then I think back of all the girls I've been with in the past and they're ALL like that. Like getting out of bed in the morning is the most difficult thing they've ever had to do.
(All except one though... who would get up at 6am every morning like clock work. Heck even I can't beat that.)
So do you guys and girls find that to be true or are my cases the exceptions?
cuddle cuddle liddat nice leh!
so warm, soft soft somore.
I agree with you that most females find it harder to get up, but if there's a good reason to get up early, we will zoom through everything oni one.
Hmmm do we at the company know who is she? hehe
dunno, nvr had a gf b4... wakaka...
Haha, this is so true. It takes me really really long to get out of bed. But my boyfriend, when the alarm rings, he gets up immediately. I'll snooze snooze and snooze til my phone can no longer stand the snoozing. HAHA!
electronicfly: so if there isn't a compelling reason enough to get up then you'll just stay in bed till afternoon?
dr tan: no!
super: hmph!
michelle: haha! i wonder if someone is gonna tell me that the boyfriend si the one that needs to snooze.
boss: yes. sometimes it's not becouse I want to continue sleeping, but that it's so comfortable I don't want to move even an inch.
Hey so not true and stereotyping!!!
Its 5.30am now and im awake ok! but then again its summer and its very bright lar, but still not true ok!!
(feminist alert here!)
I beg to differ! Whenever my bf is with me, we both wake up late, but most of the time I still end up waking him...
pwincess/elise: hahaha okok.. point taken
Nahhh i beg to differ, my bf takes a really long time to wake up, when we were both staying together, he snoozes n snoozes, sometimes even sleeping right through the numerous alarms. Even if he wakes up, he takes his time to stay in bed before finally get up, and its even worse in winter! Whereas for me, I get up immediately once the alarm rings!
perpetually: hahahaha ok ok... i've put up a poll to see what people think
Noo... I wake up within 2 seconds when the alarm rings ><
Perpetually confused: IAWTC!!
haha, beg to differ too. i find it HARD to wake him' up. such a pig. each time when i try, this is what he says.. '5 mins'
Definitely GUYS! Blek! Snooze for one hour still dowan to wake up.
you can do like to this...
let's say you want to wake up at 7.10am... set your phone alarm at 6.30am..
so when you wake up, re-set it at 7.10am...
that's how I do it every weekday.
she's usually out of the bed a good 2 hours before me. lol
Not true not true..
It's very hard to wake up my bros =.= Even if air cond has been switched off.. They still don't wanna wake up =.=
what about snoring huh? Like really loud.
RAWRRRR phiewww... x100000000..
I think it depends.
In your case, it is because your girl wants to spend more time sleeping right next to you.
Just like how I like to intimate with my boyfriend if he is asleep right next to me. Other than that, I'll wake up at 8am.
i think it depends on individual. :)
Oosh. Next time when you come to Klang, do invite me along I live here :D Which Bak Kut Teh restaurant?
i agree with PINKPAU.. people who TURN OFF THE AIRCON are MEAN! that is a very mean way of waking people up okay!
Switching off a/c + drawing curtains + taking away blanket = height of cruelty :P
haha my gf will say the exact opposite... almost impossible for me to get up earlier than her haha!
Ishihara: what’s IAWTC?
Kah yin: haha 5 minutes… I’ve heard that time and time again before
Cely: har! Sure or not!!!
Maniacz: by the time you reset it, won’t you be awake then
Paul: ohh… ohh… haha.. I guess the girls I’ve been with are the exceptions
Ahlost: try pulling off the blanket. That works too
Philip: hahah…I don’t snoreee…
Jess: awww… no lar I think in my case, she just wants to sleep
Robb: hmm ok dude
Pinkpau: hahahaha but it’s effective
Jyushiang: actually I eat at one that is right before we reach klang
Muffy: hahahaa! Poor u
Crazylobster: hahahahah but IT WORKS!!!
Melvin: hahaha okok faair enough!
I think I know where. It's nearby this huge building right? Somewhere a bit off the Klang toll. Taman Intan?
haha actually it's harder for girls to wake up only if we don't have an alarm clock.
at least through experience :P i never wake up early if there's no alarm.
I must be living in the wrong time zone, I sleep at 3AM and wake up at 10AM
i totally agree with su ann, muffy and crazy lobster! some people use really cruel tactics to get people put of bed. my mom does that to me ALL the time when i am at home. :(
but i have to agree with you as well tim. girls take longer to get out of bed. ok, most girls.
i can sleep through out my alarm and keep snoozing forever. the longest i have snoozed on was for about 5 hours or so. my friend thinks im crazy for being able to withstand the mobile's alarm+vibration every 10 minutes!
martian still doing that or is he the EX now su ann!
jyushiang: eh i don't remember a big building around it but it's shortly after the klang toll.
exryos: hahahaha okok! understood
luxen: that's 7 hours sleep. Not too much to ask for :P
peggy: hahahaha!! lol lol.... I think if I had five 10 minute vibrations I would be wide away
ky: eh!
my sis would occasionally ask me to wake her up 8am the next morning,
so 8am the next morning, i would yell beside her/switch of air cond/open curtain/take her blanket away/turn on the radio.. and she would either not budge, or scold me for disturbing her sleep..
then i'll leave her alone, she'll wake up at 9am, make a great fuss, and scold me again, for not waking her up on time and now she's late for a gathering ot something..
Boss Stewie: IAWTC = I Agree With The Comment.
atleast urs is switching off the ac.
if i over slept, my mum will kick me off the bed.
i alwit wake up at 7am during school day even my class start at 1pm.
sunday n saturday is time 4 me 2 snooze...zzzz... off~~~
n i am a female!!!!!
btw boy is much more a bed snoozer den gal!!!!XP
No, its not true, I wake up as soon as the alarm start ringing, but I need my more-than-1-hour-nap everyday after 3 pm haha. So uhh basically gals need more sleep haha
Boss, I also got guy friends who just sleep through anything earthquakes you name it. You should know some of them. :P
Though I think the best is just throw cold water. Finish already. No need to cuddle here and there ler. :P
Personally, I'm one of those people.
For the most part because I'm a light sleeper and sleeping through the night's pretty difficult - by the time I reach deep sleep, it's time to wake up :P
People who've a hard time waking are usually in deep sleep.
it's just ur case..the only way to wake up my bf is threaten to throw a tantrum! wahahhha otherwise the alarm can ring for an entire hour before he even realizes it's ringing!
my fren's husband's worst. she gets hit at (not too harshly) when she tries to wake him up.
i have to agree..though i duno how guys sleep but i alwiz have hard time waking up to go to work. My mum say i sleep until like i oledi die...shout oso cannot wake.die, sure miss lots of class in uni..
hmm.. let me see..
I like to wake up late..
unless there's something going on.. erm which is almost everyday.. and that's COLLEGE! T_T
I usually sleep late.. so i expect to wake up LATE.. but if i sleep early.. I want to wake up LATE-R.. Hehehe xD Like people say, we need all the rest we can get.. Haha..
ps: but i can wake up on time if I wan to.. *winks*
huei: No we're not. No pointy tails here and oinky sounds.. LOL
its so TRUE!
if nobody kacau me
i can slip til 2pm
sleep is the BEST thing i guess
insomnia is sux!
haha! I think girls should find guys that like to sleep a lot like they do ;p
Boss Stewie,
I still can resume sleeping even though I wake up by the phone alarm. for me , no problem wan... I do that all the time even on work days , wake up... re-set alarm, go back sleep then wake up again , then get ready for work.
I have a solution to wake someone up, almost immediately...
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