One of my buddies here in Penang stays in an area where in order to get there, you actually have to go through some rural jungle road.
If you drive down that road often enough, you'll see see something you don't usually see anywhere else.
Once it was late at night and I was driving down the really dimly lit road when suddenly I saw a huge snake crossing the road. When I say huge I meant it was fat as anything and its length was from one end of the road to the other.
I didn't manage to stop in time so I quickly just ran over it and it felt as if I ran over some speed bump.

The funny thing is the next morning I drove down that same road and the snake was gone!
Heck if I ran over a person with my car he would be dead for sure but that wasn't enough to kill this huge snake!
Anyway just today I was driving down that same road again when I saw a huge lizard casually taking his time to cross the road.
I whipped out my phone and started snapping away.
At one point it stared at me with one of its eyes as if it was going to pounce on to my windscreen.
Now here's a question for all of you.
If you were to see a big lizard like that on the road while you're driving down alone, what would you do?
Would you...
(A) Slow down and slowly try to drive past it.
(B) Turn back and take another route.
(C) Get down from the car to take some pictures.
(D) Floor the accelerator and try to run over it screaming "DIEEEEEEE MUTHAAFUCKAAAAAAA!!!!!".
If you answered (B), you've been watching too many horror movies. It's just a big lizard and you're in the safety of your car!
If you answered (C), you must be a blogger.
and if you answered (D), I bear no responsibility for what the environmentalists or care for wildlife people will do to you if they find out who you are. If I were you I would go hug a tree now just to make up for it.

I wish I was heartless enough to be a D. With less profanity, of course. Haha. But I think I'm a C.
Yeah, I'm a C.
D...haha D
C answer is damn funny..ROFL
let me guess, u r driving from bayan lepas to paya terubong? :D
anyway, i'm an A..
I chose A & C coz i will take some photo (inside da car of course) then slowly drive through it.
I would stop my car, fetch a bag or something and try to catch it. Then sell it. There are people where I come from who eat that animal. Pay me big bucks y'all
Yeah. I'm a blogger X)
had these lizards lurking around our neighbourhood area last year. Shyok shyok jalan in and out some of the houses (which of cos scare the shit out of the ppl staying there)...
go blogger!!!! the kid is cute hehe
You know what it made me think of, lizard soup.
LOL.. I wanna hug the tree wif the kid! No.. i din choose D.. I chose A and C, LOL! but just wanna hug the tree wif the kid.. :D
huhuhu.. I experienced it before. That time was at Putrajaya ( fuh.. ).. Driving my friend's Kancil dat time.. Suddenly a 'landak' across the road. Boom... Like langgar the bumper..
At the end of the day, both front tires kena shoot by the landak.. hahaha..
then go to workshop, the uncle asked me 'Ah Chai, where u go aa? jungle ar?' -_-'
My answer is (A)...Really....reallyyyy...
i would bring it back and will be a very delicious dinner...
exotic food...
darn syok man!
I'll slow down and take pic of it and run for my life and scream "DIEEEEEEE MUTHAAFUCKAAAAAAA!!!!!".
I would stop to take its picture if there was no traffic. I did that once in Port Dickson. It was a huge adult monitor lizard.
I still see some where I live in PJ. Some people try to catch it and sell it to the restaurants. I wonder how on earth can people eat something like that. It's still on the protected species list.
yo buddy..
this road looks more like tanjong tokong - tanjong bungah road.. what la downgrade until some rural kinda jungle road...
i also penang boy.. paint la penang a nicer picture...
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