We quicky bought ourselves two tickets which were quite cute. My ticket had a Donald Duck on it and Audrey's had a Minnie Mouse.
That's just rude!
I can't say the same for everyone else though.
Let me give you an example of a situation that just happened to both Audrey and I at one of the Disneyland rides on Sunday. We were in the queue to sit on this ride which I can't remember what its called but it basically goes up then round and round.
The queue for this ride alone was like 45 minutes long.
So when we started we queued up right behind this group of Hong Kong people. We noticed them because we were checking out the LV bag that one of the aunties was carrying.
Then right behind us was a fairly big group of Indian tourists.... I think about 8 of them or so. So Audrey and I waited in the queue joking about all things in general... you know because time flies faster when you're joking around rather than when you're just standing idle.
Suddenly we looked in front of us and we saw 3 of the 8 Indian tourists who were behind us... actually in FRONT of us.
What a clever trick!
And it worked!
I mean... if someone just tried to cut your queue you would make a big fuss but if you saw some people just trying to regroup you'd close an eye right?
Before we knew it, all 8 of them were in front of us and Audrey went from smiling away like this
But we were on holiday so we just accepted defeat and decided to go back to joking around. About 5-10 minutes later we noticed that the aunty with the LV bag was in front of us again. Audrey excitedly jumped around and said
"Hey! Hey! Hey! The people who cut our queue are gone!! HAHA!"
I took a quick look around us and I replied her
"No Audrey... they're not gone, they just made progress." (Points further to front).
She looked in front and almost jumped in anger when she saw all 8 of them even further in front of us, like a few more feet ahead from where we were standing. They must've like cut another 10-15 people along the way in just those few minutes!
It came to the point when it was their turn to board the ride while we were still waiting in the queue to get our turn.
Them queue-cutting bastards!!!
I hope some other people in the other queues end up cutting their queue.
People! Be civil!
Don't cut queue ok! It leaves a scar on people.
Since that incident, whenever Audrey is in a queue she extends both her arms on the railings and forces me to do the same to prevent anyone from cutting through us. Look at what it has done to the poor paranoid girl.
In my experience though, Malaysians are generally a lot more courteous although it's true that I have met a few bad hats even back home trying to cut queues (Mostly at LCCT when people are rushing to board the planes though).
So keep it up guys! Queue up and wait your turn. Everyone else wants to get to the front of the queue as urgently as you do!
need a longer arm? :P hahaha
its crazy la.. waiting to take just a ride which last no longer than 1 minute
hahah yeah I get what you mean.. don't know why we did it
i agree @@those ppl are too much,cut others queue and pretend nths happen. while waiting LRT, buying food, go for ATM~they exist everywhere,anywhere@@gosh..
boss!!oooo lala!!exams tomoro and im reading bout cutting queues..LOL..dead!i mean me!
see u tomorrow boss..
they do it with a straight face?! shame on them.
i guess you have to wear a shirt with a statement behind that says: 'only idiots cut Qs' in 5 diff languages hahah.
have fun!
HAHAHHHAA THEY JUST PROGRESSED FURTHER HAHAHAH DAMN FUNNY omg and they're 8 of them how to cut so much!!!
I am always shock when people cut in front of me. Always
i was there last week for night time only....cut q ah.... i face this prob too...but what to do? when they insisit to cut? ma let them cut lo! haha although i will curse them in my heart hahaha
YOu went Space Mountain or not ?? I sat on it twice....
LOL. I like the "Just PROGRESSED FURTHER" part :). hahahahha.
Ah Indians :/
WAHHHHHHH!! why they so hebat!! damn geng lor to be able to cut queue like that!!!
i will usually make a big fuss and yell at them :S
In the first place u shud hv stood up to them... if cant blardy queue to wait then dont go disneyland - tell them that on their face.. it is just simple and plain as that.. common on, u sure can do better than that right tim?
my friend and i went there last year, and the thing is, my friend ex-classmate's sister was working inside as cinderella or snow white, she got us some VIP ticket, so we could bypass all the queue, it was great, laughing all our way thru the rides, and people around us kept thinking why the hell these guys don't need to queue
lyn: yah! shame on them! May they get cut by others in future
yik yang: it's okay, I was playing CS online just 2 hours before my exam a few years ago
jenkin: haha ok yat
kh: yeah with a totally straight face. Some more when I stared at them they stared back at me as if i was the one cutting them
suet: haih...the power of numbers!
acura: hahaa yes ... that makes u normal like the rest of us
kok: yah! karma! they will kena cut by others in future!!
freethinker: hahaha yeah i went on it twice but the Paris Disneyland Space MOuntain 2 is a lot scarrier
chu king: hahaha yes... they made progress indeed
baby gin: yalah! with such a good tactic some more right?
ky/anselm: aihh.. foreign country, we being tourists, dowan to cause trouble lah
andy: I saw a Cinderella and Snow White there, really really pretty! I'd like to think one of them was your ex-classmate's sister!
I also meet similar ppl at Genting lor.. So annoying !!
hmmmmm? It would seem ppl oversea are even terrer than us in cutting queue!
ahlost: hahaha... annoying!
spectre: yah! they got strategy!
I hate people who cut queue...is annoying... :(
anyway, they have been anywhere in our life!
Sound's familiar. I had the same experience in Sentosa; Indian Tourist cutting queue. But there were like 25-30 of them. Imaging the mayhem. Anyways, the ang mohs protested to the security person and he instructed the indians to get to the back of the queue.
I was there last 2 weeks ago same case happened to me too when queing for the Pooh ride!!!
Indians and their queue cutting technique!!
I knew they are coming from behind and I stood up straight rightaway extending my shoulders and pushed my sis to my other side just to block them!!
I'm pretty sure that that Indian auntie knew that I was purposely blocking her, ha!
haha tim why you so kuailan go take full frontal picture of them again hahahahahahhahaa :P
go Japan & hardly anyone cuts queue. :D
So patient of you guys, I'd be swearing at those people oredi.
I was at HK disneyland and 2 mainland kids rans in front of the queue for the rollercoaster, then 25 other mainland adults decided to cut past us. I told them off right in the face and they were like 'we need to follow the kids, cannot leave them alone, we have to sit together bla bla bla'. My friend and i were so pissed off and told them so. they spent the entire time looking murderous looks at us while we happily slagged them off. Then the ride suddenly closed and we had to come back later. :( they tried to cut into another queue later but disney employees managed to stop them.. Some people have no manners!
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