No matter where you are in Malaysia.. the MAMAK STALL.. is where you go if you're looking to kill time.
Mamak stalls are getting more and more creative these days with the new kinds of food and even a rather interesting variety of drinks.
I was having a drink last weekend with some friends and as usual, I ordered Teh Ais
Why? Because I SAW THIS !!!
That's right.. so apparently Boss Stewie drinks HAIR now.
I just hope it's HAIR from the idiot's head and not hair from his armpit or his ballz... cuz if it were hair from his ballz......
Maybe itzz ur own hair Boss.haha.
2nd :P
william: HAHAHAH lol.. i thought anonymous was first
itchy: it's nott my own hair
i think it's a straightened pubic hair. ahaks!
luckily not roaches :)
Maybe there were more than one strand of hair in your drink? ;-)
" wud be ~~~" XD
al: EWWwww... so what.. the dude went to straighten his pubic hair you're saying?
cely: yes.. luckily indeed
tenth: yeah.. maybe.. i couldn't take a picture of the rest though.. they're all in my stomach by now
anna: :P
no la boss, yesterday not in the mood. but since i open and saw no one, so i type only lor.
and have fun tonite you guys :( i couldnt goooooo... :'(
so got stomache or not??..could it be nose hair ar.. u know those mangali very hairy 1..could b body hair also..wahahahah
hey, i know that place! Never been there... go to the mamak behind the big prison in town.. best maggi in the world!
get a DNA analysis on the hair
oh wait, it isn't even curly, i smell a sabo job..
Dude mamak food isn't the same without some hair.
So how does the hairy drink taste like???Have a nice day & do post up ur pirate pic.( I promise not to loungh)
that's a very mind "gross" factor edi la. Imagine having a WHOLE cockroach in your jombo fruit drink, tambah cincang-ed cockroach in your mee goreng.
or once you cut open your chicken chop, maggots galore.
bleh. until now I still don't go back to those places.
ballz hair straight on meh..??Not curly ar?:p
william: it's tomorrow nightt ler wei.. not tonight
joe: wahh nose hair so damn long?
pink: hahaha okok i shall give that a shot...
ky: LOL.. shouldn't it be a sabo job IF it was curly
shaolin: i can't believe i'm hearing that .. coming from a brit!!! so u like ur food dirty eh?
hor ny: it tasted bad!
her feiness: ignorance is bliss!! lalalalal
babyfiona: hahaha some straighten leh?
aiya, hair good source of protein ler.
mamak!!!.. teh ais... lagi satu...
kurang rambut punya...
ooops.... tak mau rambut punya...
Let's hope the dude didn't have dandruff either.. Maybe he uses that as a substitute for milk?
ehon: uhmm.. so is milk.. and i'd rather drink a cup of milk than eat a strand of someone's hair
maniacz: yes tak mahu rambut pls!
jackson: lol... and i hope that guy washed his hair sometime recent.
criz: bugs are normal??? whatt?? nooo.. you should never find bugs in your food
lol! actually hor... think about the amount of hair we've drank/ate from mamak. O.O!!! ok ok, let's not think.
ehon: ewwwww lar.. now i'm getting all sorta !@#$%^#! thoughts..
boss...was blog hopping as usual, then decide to check on advertlet's webbie. got kinda mad when reading the page where they compared what nuffnang has to offer with theirs, making u guys look disadvantage to them >=( need to compare until liddat anot?!?! so sad that u guys have a seemingly strong competitor now...their taukeh is always looking to shine in the limelight >.< ngor tai hou lei gahh bosss!!!! jia you!!
omg.. this is scary and yucksss!
too bad malaysia mamak stalls have no customer satisfaction guaranteed.
OMG Kassim Mustafa~!~!!! Anyway the boss attempted possibly the longest TEH TARIK in the entire WORLD with us. We shud be blogging about it in coming weeks. :-D
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