Friday, May 25, 2007

Nuffnang's Pirates of the Caribbean 3 Screening

I am so exhausted right now, I'm struggling to blog... but I do notice so many of you still waiting for an update so here's the best I can let out at the moment.

TGIF... because the past week has been madness for me. I have had meetings day after day having to pitch to clients and/or work on the coming campaigns with clients. Just on the day of the Pirates Screening itself I have had 3 meetings with advertisers before I attended the event.

Then the morning right after the screening I had to wake up early for another meeting with an advertiser, with two more in the afternoon.

Now it's 9.39PM here on a Friday night and I can finally take a short break.
Pirates was quite a night for me.

Ming couldn't make it because he had to attend another huge blogging event in Singapore that Nuffnang was sponsoring alongside Microsoft.

So throughout the night I found myself trying to balance between making sure everything was going right and most importantly meeting in person as many Nuffnangers as I could meet.

Everybody who's anybody in the blogosphere was there from Jeff Ooi, Paul Tan, Wingz, Shaolin, Kimberly, KY, Xes... but the two that I loved the most that night was these two ladies.Yes... Suanie and FA!

HAHAHAH thank you both for making my day....

The minute the both of them saw me at the meet... they yelled

Haih... my dear readers... please tell them.. that I TRIED.. but I ended up only at genie.

I know you guys know it... quite a few of the Nuffnangers I met that night even said
"Lucky you didn't come in that genie costume".

So you see??? Nuffnangers always know best!!!

And Boss Stewie listens to his Nuffnangers.


Nicholas said...

Been waiting for this post since yesterday. Post up more pics of the event boss. As many as possible from every angle. Wanna see everything and live the event through the pics :D


electronicfly said...


-.-# still can't get the 20 unique visitors everyday so can join nuffnang. =(

i feel so alloooooonnee~~

a n n n a said...

wow.. where they get those cute pirate hats??

lol.. good thing u din wear the genie suit. ^^

savante said...

No worries :) I bet you would have looked damned cute even as a genie.

Wingz said...

thanks tim for a wonderful nite to remembered!

suanie said...

see our faces in the photo?

we were not amused......


dinner on you next time :P

hao said...

I missed the gathering. Got no transportation back to Melaka after the movie + ffk by fren last minute :( said...

bossss.. here's the list of ppl u aught wanna say thanks? :P

Jayelle said...

hoi! commission! *but secretly feels kembang for having photo ripped off blog!*

LOUI$$ said...
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LOUI$$ said...

Thanks boss, you are the first I saw and recognise. Then have a chance to shake hand. And the movie, I laugh most louder in the cinema. kakakakaka!

Boss Stewie said...

nicholas: hahaha okok i'll make a post on that soon

her feiness: aww.. u can still join... but we just won't be able to serve u paid ads until you go over 20 unique visits a day

anna: hahaha... yes yes.. see? good thing i didn't wear

savante: uhmm.. i'm not so sure about that really :P

wingz: no problem wingz!

suanie: LOL!!!

haO: aiyoo what a waste dude

cincau: okok have checked that out

jayelle: hahaha sorry.. i couldn't seem to get another pic .. was about to say it was from ur blog but then noticed your blog url was watermarked there anyway

louis: i'm glad to have met you... and yes.. i read jolene's blog about someone laughing damn hard in the cinema

FL Sam said...

Tq to Nuffnang and you for working so hard to make this event so successfull.I say hello to u inside the cinema and you asked "which is you blogsite". When I told u "Simple Life". U answered I remembered.
Look like we need to called ourself by the Blog name. haha

"Joe" who is constantly craving said...

okok..i shall be waitin patiently for somore paid ads..i want to get that first cheque! kudos the efforts u put in..although i didnt go..but i m waiting for the 2nd 1!

Kiss my ass said...

MORE to come? ehhehehe. thanks. great movie, great gathering, great fun.

MaN|acZ said...

no worries. her-feiness .. i oso can't get 20 unique visitors / day.


how abt i promote ur blog? and you promote mine?


Weird Dan said...

Thanks for organizing this. Met some people. Oh... and I will indeed be waiting for the next event.

Jen said...

next up: shrek 3!!

wadya think? and thanks for the tickets!! it was amazing to see so many bloggers.

Unknown said...

Thanks boss! I really enjoy it, you said got more to come, i can't wait for it. Cheers!

Angeline Choo said...

thanks again for the tix :) cant wait for the next gathering. hopefully this time i get to talk to the other bloggers.

Belle said...

good job boss~

angelicgirl98 said...

cheh, no costume one?!!!!
stressed, needed something to laugh at.... my goddamn exams.
but anyway, never knew people in penang were so cool about pirates!
wished i was in malaysia...boohoo

Ehon said...

u very pirate-y hor! how can boss no dress up make other dress up?! wah piang ehhh..