If any of you guys have a chance, do check it out (It's a two page article but I'm not going to put up the second page where most of the text is so if you really wanna know what it says go check out the magazine ok?)

As for me... well.. I don't know.

"Timothy Tiah is a very nice man. The type you would definitely want to be friends with."
I read that out to my friend Leon at MPH and winked at him a few times but all he said was
Why is there an old TV right next to you?
Just got back from Hancock screening. Asked one of your staff for you but you weren't there.
TWO PAGES IN KLUE? *sulks because the most I got before was half a page*
dun mind ur fren boss, i will b glad n overwhelmed to be frens wif u... LoL... too bad im not gay... wakakaka....
mcgarmott: yeah sorry dude. i'm not in kl now. couldn't go... hope u enjoyed it
may zhee: hahahaa
super: hahaha lol lol!
the picture so old school...like so yeng hor? xD I want to be friends with you though! hahaha..you do AWFULLY seem like a nice guy...
I think that picture of you..too yeng lar! TOO yeng! kinda give the vibe like old school got style one of a kind thingy...=/ woots! xD
haro boy boy, u is hensem, can i know u. i'm sure we'll be best of fwens. maybe more :|
wah... feh mes wor... :)
wat's written on the whiteboard behind u in the pic ar?
solitary: hahaha the picture was taken in their studio. hahaha... come come we can be friends.. i've made firends with many of my readers
spinzer: hahaha u already know me and everyone else lar tock
immi: ermm i dunno.. some random stuff
yerr~ dun reply my email wannn... :(
oh well... where did you take the picture for this article? nice background. and i spotted the words, "stupid people stupid thinking", if i am not mistaken.
Nice setup for the photo. :)
Boss you should have held the TV instead.
Please stick to your day job, you are definitely not a model material.. hahaha joking joking XD
weee.. nice tv ^.^V
weehee!! *run 2 mag stand 2 buy KLue* boss stewie looks niceeeeee =D
autumn: hahaha ehh... when did u send me an email?
danny: haha yeah i can't take credit for that.. they did it all
simon: haha lol
saewei: yeah!! i know.. i look terrible there... all the air brushing in the world can't save me
kay: hahaa okok yay!
saw this article and it was indeed a good write up and a good read.. :)
i sent the email to you 3 days ago to the lengmoublogs@yahoo.com lorrr... or else, where am i supposed to send it too? omg.. seriously i love ur blog so much... write more funny stuffs to entertain this lonely girl here
Your face looks you're having constipation Boss...
Boss! Why u not at Hancock Screening? @.@
Inspiring article about how you succeed.
yapthomas: hahaha yeah thanks
autumn: i didn't get anyhting wor
porcupine: hahaha yes yes it does :P
jeffro: oh cuz i traveling for work ler.... now in the penang office :P
david chew: hahaha no lar i won't consider myself a success yet. but it's just an interesting article
ahhaha mmg nice man.. extremely nice sumore!! =) and yesh yesh being frens with timothy tiah is great, hor?? ur smile 'll bring happiness to ppl wan!! haha
hey man, mind putting up the second page of the article. it's rather interesting, we don't get klue in sg. appreciate it.
wahhhh damn FEHMES!!!
Love the picture of you in the magazine. So artistic yet cool at the same time!
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