Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Best Siu Yoke in Malaysia

I was driving around in KL the other day with some friends looking for a place to eat. I've been feeling thrifty lately, so I wanted to pass on the more proper restaurant food, and go for some hawker food instead.

Then I thought of a place that I haven't been to in a while, hidden somewhere behind Berjaya Times Square.
Yes..... the famous PUDU SIU YOKE!!!

Lunch time almost every day, this coffee shop here is packed to the brim! I went for a late lunch so fortunately it wasn't too hard to find a place. I sat down and ordered the food.

First came the chicken... which was okay lar.. not great but not too bad. Then came... THE SIU YOKE!

Now let me tell you a thing or two about siu yoke.
The best siu yoke must fulfill 3 conditions.

1) The skin must be crispy... not too hard or too soft.. just CRISPY.

2) The fat between the skin and the meat must not be too rubbery.

3) The meat must be smooth and tender.

Now let me show you a picture of the siu yoke we had.

Let me tell you about this siew yoke.

1) The skin is crispy... almost like double decker potato chips.

2) The fat MELTS in your mouth!

3) The meat is soooo smooth and tender you can almost call it Kobe Pork.

The bill kinda broke my balls because it added up to about RM25 per head for just a tiny bit of siu yoke and chicken.

But it was worth it, what else do you expect when you eat siu yoke from a man who once got an award from the King (check out the picture he framed up in his coffee shop).
And to answer some of the questions in your minds...

NO I DO NOT think he got the award for having the best siu yoke in Malaysia.


electronicfly said...


electronicfly said...

omb, 25 bucks for some siew yoke ah? and still so many ppl go and eat ah? siao one..

chanraymond said...

LOL. I was thinking if the King actually patronised the stall =P

TNS said...

got contact of the shop?

Boss Stewie said...

her feiness: yah! expensive man!

little ray: hahaha no i dun't think so...

jason: it's behidn shaw parade

suanie said...

but it's teh bestest evar!

damn tulan him though, sometimes got open, sometimes no open

k u k u j i o a m a n said...

wahhhhh really or not? RM25 !! Somemore Agong approve the sui yoke!! He go test and try ar??

CRIZ LAI said...

Timothy ar...Penang got so many nice siew yoke stall, why go pay RM25 for such a small plate of Siew Yoke in KL wor? Eat gold plated siew yoke ar? kekeke :P

Nicole said...

I want to eat, bring me there~ said...

LOL at the award thingie. This looks like the corner of Jalan Imbi? Near the Honda showroom? Heh, I know the jalan in KL oso wan.

Dan said...

Couldnt guess out how many of you all actually went but u did say RM25 per head. Rm50 even for 2 heads is DAMN expensive. I think he got the awards for the most expensive Siu Yoke.

Boss Stewie said...

suanie: yah! hahahaha

kukujiao : ehh no lar.. i said i think the award is for somethign else lar...

criz: ehh .. penang siu yoke not as good as this one.. really

nicole: sure.. just say when

5xmom: ai cheh.. u know where ur food is huh

blooming: yah it really is quite ex

a n n n a said...

oh mii gosh! RM25 for that small plate of siu yoke. exp but looks soooo good!

Good Nice Yummy siu yoke: Crispy Crispy Golden skin, chewy jelly-ish soft fat, juicy tender meat. *flying in the sky*

Anonymous said...

Maybe he photoshopped the picture

jelly said...

Uh... i see pork i feel kinda sick coz i have had too much pork, thanks to mr.ho. =/ the shop boss must have received titles like PIS or something.

"Joe" who is constantly craving said...

i admit its damn good..but damn kao expensive lor.. i actually did a review on my blog..and i have the best char siew review also wahahaha..and this siew yuk actually can get very jelak after too many pieces..

Boss Stewie said...

anna: ehh no no.. Rm25 per head for the total meal.. not for that small plate of siu yoke.. that plate of siu yoke i think costs only... RM12 a strip and that's 2 strips so it's RM24... eh wait... ohh yeah... hmmm

skyler: hehe no ler i dun photoshop any of my pictures

jelly: yah.. or maybe even a datoship hehe

joe: yah yah...after my 5th piece i am jelak already

sadsarcasm said...

Ala!! stewie!!!
Penang got so many stall with siu yoke as tasty as that ler... Maybe even better...

But it definitely not gonna cost you RM25 per head..

If a fella dare to sell RM25 siu yoke in penang..he sure chap lup in 3

Horny Ang Moh said...

Couldn't afford it althought it look very tasty. Anymore cheaper then that?? Have a nice day bossy.

Boss Stewie said...

vegemaster: eh! then u better take me and show me where!

hor ny: lol.. have a nice day hor ny!