I thought nobody would have got a 100... but apparently.... 4 of you guys did!

Yat, I owe you a San Francisco Steakhouse dinner that we can have some time this coming week. Just e-mail me your contact number at lengmoublogs [at] yahoo [dot] com and I'll give you a call so we can arrange for our romantic date.
Mmm. Bummer, you should see who does it best. Like, I got an 80% the first time I did it.
-Ada P.
This post has been up for 4 hours now. How come got only one comment :O
Everyone is still upset about not getting the Steakhouse dinner till can't comment ah :P
How come Jenkin gets the dinner? Emily Tan and Wingz Rojaks have been in the list before him
Wuah, I hope the guy who got 100% on my site doesn't demand for his plate of char koay teow. LOL.
eh..i thought everyone who gets 100% will get the dinner.? anyway..thanx 1st :D
har.. guy ah. nxt time choose girl la (preferably a hot babe) thn got more interesting things to read abt!
to nicholas: its because no one else reads blogs on sundays, they have a life. unlike u n me and the other 4 sad people who commented on this entry. haha. oh ya. n boss also. cos he actually BLOGGED on sun morning at 10am!
eh Daphne..u can treat me as a girl also if u wan..i look like girl also ma :P hehehe
wahh. so nice! thanks daphne for reminding me of my 'no-life'. sighs. but im not alone! wahahahahahaha!
wah! Boss, I only got 40%, damn bad wei!!
green eyes quickly turn black please.. I still wanna be asian. :(
sigh... anybody wan2 help me "get a life"?
boss, those who got 60% can get mamak stall treat from you oso ok alredi..
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