Thursday, May 31, 2007

Press Interviews

Nuffnang has been getting a little bit of attention in the press lately. There were some magazines here and there and even an article in The Star that many of you seemed to have caught up on.

There was also Ming's interview with Marketing Interactive in Singapore.

But of all the press interviews.

The most difficult one for me was the one with Guang Ming.
Why? Because that was the FIRST TIME I had to do an interview about Nuffnang in MANDARIN.

Now I can speak Mandarin... learned it from a particular someone... but having to do an interview and talk about Nuffnang in it is...

I mean.. how the hell do you say "Unique Visitor" in Mandarin?

Now if that wasn't enough, the journalists who interviewed me asked me in Chinese
"What is the Chinese Word for Nuffnang ah?"

I said "Uhmmm....
Na Fei Ne ? Na Ne?"


J said...

Just make sure it doesn't sound like something bad!

J said...

Oh and congrats on your first step(s) to fame and fortune!

hao said...

Congrats again!

Kiss my ass said...

how come no one claims 1st??? weird..... yes yes and i read you ALL OVER THE PAPERS...

Boss Stewie said...

j: ahhh.. still far from fame and fortune.. besides.. i only want fortune.. fame can wait

hao: thanks dude

shireen: u read about nuffnang.. not me

AaronWoolala said...

At least you appeared on Paper!
I still faaaaaar away mah~

陈一豪 said...

My picture!!!!!!

electronicfly said...

nafu nangu? ok no, that sounds more japanese... em,na fer neng? bwahahha..

mae said...

I hate to sound insulting but.. do you have like only three shirts? You're either wearing this shirt, the black one or the pink one. Tsk tsk tsk.. For your birthday I buy for you shirt la k Boss.. *pat pat head*

Willie's gone to Australia. *sob*

Boss Stewie said...

aaron: getting on the paper is nothing ler... making nuffnang a success is another thing

dr tan: yes ur picture hehee

her fei ness: lol

mae: yes u're right... well i have a lot of shirts but those 3 are my favourites.

CRIZ LAI said...

Hey Boss...Congrats wor :) Nuffnang Boleh :)

Ehon said...

but seriously, what's nuffnang in chinese? or at least, what did the reporter write? i cant read chinese.. :(

Nicholas said...

What does "Na Fei Ne ? Na Ne?" mean? Need translation service please. Me not chinese :(

Belle said...

nane? LOL
nic i don think it meant anything boss just make up some pin yin tht sounds like nuffnang ..FAIL LA BOSS! lol

Nicholas said...

Haha ok. Thanks belle :)

a n n n a said...

Gratz ar Boss! I don't read newspaper but i'll be hunting for this one.

Jen said...

translate the article pretty please! banana alert ;)

Horny Ang Moh said...

Ha! Ha! Ha! I hope it don't sound like something 'hor ny'. Anyway I don't read chinese. But CONGRATULATION!!! Ur sucess will benefit us blogger. So I wish u more sucess & Nuffnang. Have a nice day.

MaN|acZ said...

so i got credited or not r?

Bee Ean said...

Unique visitor can be = dan1 du2 fang3 ke4

Nuffnang in Chinese, it depends who does it mean first in English. There's not only English bloggers in Malaysia, wouldn't it be nice to tackle those write in Chinese as well?