Now the Friendster hype is something I completely missed... missed not because I was too slow but because I was too quick.
The first time I learned about Friendster was in 2002. Back then, few people I knew were on Friendster, I went around meeting whatever friends I had and quickly grew out of it. I grew out of it by the time it became really popular!
Since then.. months go by before I even login to Friendster but just a few days ago I decided it was time for me to pay my quarterly visit.

Yes it's true... my picture there hasn't been updated in 2 years and my profile still says that I'm "studying in London" and "In a Relationship".
Another shameful thing about my Friendster profile is... I haven't reached the Holy Grail of 500 friends!
So many of my friends have 3 Friendster accounts just to be able to insert 1,500 friends... and here I am... still stuck at 200 or something.
There was a link on my profile that said "New Testimonials" so I decided to check it out.

There were testimonials that were written 1 year ago by some friends and THEY ARE STILL PENDING APPROVAL. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...
Now guys go to Friendster for different reasons.
Some to genuinely catch up with their old friends, but mostly to look at girls and send *winks* or messages. *winks* NEVER WORK since it tells the girl that you have no balls to even send her a "HI" message... and messages... well.. I've met a number of girls that way before.
But I've passed that stage...
So now when I login to Friendster... I go to see what my ex-girlfriends are up to.
Let me tell all of you one thing.
Your ex-girlfriends... especially on Friendster... ALWAYS LOOK LIKE THEY'RE HAPPIER WITHOUT YOU...

It doesn't matter if they really are or not.

And ladies.. don't you think that we guys don't know your tricks!!!
We know it's ALL AN ACT!!!
But touche ladies... it still works :(
So I started looking at what my ex-girlfriends were up to.
There was the very first one I had (on the right), who still looked great.

There was the one I loved the most.

And the one I never ever deserved to begin with.

And guess what...
You've got 3105 emails in your gmail :o when are you ever gonna finish reading and replying (if need be) all those mails :o
i thought you got orang putih girlfriend? aiya.
is it me.. or ur ex gfs all loook cun? :P
woah boss your gfs all damn hot. ahahah
jason: well they could at least try to put ONE sad picture to make me feel better :P
nicholas: eh how you know i got so many emails in my gmail?
richard: haha no lar.. not exactly my type.. i like wonderful local girls... and *ahem* Japanese
choc: *SNIFF*
cincau: well yeah u're right... i don't know what they all saw in me.
philip: yeah i know i know.. i was very lucky.
Not bad! Not bad!!I meant ur taste in gf!! Very good I must say. Actually what is 'friendster'??My off computer ban the whole sites. In fact as long as got the word friendster in www.??? all got banned. BTW to a fox the the grape is always sour. Have a nice day.
somehow hor, I felt like mr. Boss Stewie is bragging that he had cun (ex) gfs.. akkaka
intead of telling what he's trying to tell
I'm going to die a bachelor...
hor ny: hahahah you really make me laugh hor ny! What office you work in?
maniacz: ahh put me between a rock and a hard place because on one hand, I can't be modest and say "no lar.. they're not very hot lar" cuz they'll just come slap me... and on the other hand.. i also can't agree with you.
lance: hahaha it's ok dude.. i teman u
i love friendster back then.. when it wasn't full of stalkers and girls putting super kawaii pics and simply add you just to expand their friend's list territory.
facebook is IN IN IN now tho.
You don't know what you got till it's gone eh? But judging from trend you'll just get another superdamncun+hot gf and break her heart again won't you? *tsk tsk*
OK LAAAAAAAAA I ADMIT I'M JEALOUS AND HAVING A SERIOUS BOUT OF SOUR GRAPES OK?!?!?!!?! now take this post off before i murder you in jealousy. :p u got hot ex-gfs..
that's why i dun look at my ex-gfs profiles..why wanna see their happy face la.?
just get happy with ur own life..hehehe
kristin: not many people here use facebook wor...
suicidal: lol dude.. nothing to be jealous about lar.. not like i'm with any of them now...
boss, no need friendster to hook up with girls laaa... is enough ;)
tried and tested
Just to answer your question directed to Nicholas, "eh how you know i got so many emails in my gmail?". Check out the photo you uploaded of the girl "There was the one I loved the most" (the one holding the doggy) for the answer.
Wah, 4 ex-gfs? Sure or not? Anyway, to breakup with them and still have them in your Friendster contact list shows there's still some friendship going on -- which is good (I guess).
boss quite pro ah :p
seriously, they look good...
im also having a freaking hard time controlling the jealous guy that i am over you boss haha
nevermind lah, now got cheesels, tak cukup ah?! :D
Allow me to illustrate~
Once upon a time there was this two friends from highschool that loves to play CS, on one ocassion one invited the other over his house to party with 2 chicks and during that party they were playing a game that involves spinning the bottle or something like that, ET(the host) made RT(the lucky bugger) kiss one of the girls ~ NOt only that ... ET wanted to hook RT with the girl only a couple of weeks later came tellin him that he's with that girl adi ...
And that girl is in one the pics haaaaa ~~~~
Back then RT was a lil shy, unwind time, He'll prolly ask for seconds and thirds and fourths lol :p
jenkin:sorry didn't reply your comment earlier... completely missed it.. you posted the comment just when i was replying another one hehehe.... anyway... i guess i've just been lucky to be able to find such wonderful gfs in the past
waahhh! you lucky @$@#%$^@ all your gfs are hot leh! be thankful u've been with them ler :P dont complain
woah woah, revelation of the year!! Regarding ur comment to jenkin, the line " be able to find such wonderful gfs in the past..", we all wil definitely hope you can get wonderful and exotic and hot gf (or maybe wife) in future!!! God Bless You!!
ya hor.. mic ...I agree with what mic said... so Boss ar, when u get marry hor, pls invite us to ur wedding.. :P
good now u're single, that means i dun have to worry about forking outmoney to buy a car for my 1st godson
Blog some girl-courting skills - you one lucky dude..
basket stewie, teach me ur casanova tricks! I'm can't just look at quarterlies!
walau eh. like tis oso can?!
wenqi! faster cubit stewie!!!
yiitong/narrowband.... you guys are put man.... u've got to have da MOLE! that's the trick.
no mole, no [strike]hole[/strike] girls
Can see the number of emails in one of the pics of your ex :p Look thru the pics again. You'll notice it too. hehe
sharon: ahh dare not complainnnn :P
mic: eheh thank you mic.. i hope i'm that lucky again
maniacz: hahahaha okokok
boss: LOL!! u still remember
narrow: yes u said it... i was just lucky.... don't have any courting skills
yii: ahhahahaha don't call me that!!!
al: eh she's just a friend ler wei
nicholas: oh ok i see that dude
william: right on brahder!
hey what happened to G.A.? or was it J.A.? Is she the number 2 girl?
AHAHAHAH! I so remember that gf - I had to call her up once to ask her to call you or something - cant quite rem the actual situation. hehehehehehe
maxine: yah she's that number 2 girl.. did i ask u to ask her to call me? why would i do that?
Dude, since u been away for so long in friendster, you know that they have a function that knows who viewed them before right?
yes u did tiah ewe tiam! why would i create such a thing? it was when we were still in sec school lah. i cant rem why i did it also, i think called her to ask her to come online or sth. can't rem. sheesh :P
You could always plan ur own parties!! n have heaps of more fun then them!!
Wah, you really got some hot looking exes...
freethinker: yah yah i know that... don't worry.. i not so ulu :P
maxine: ahhh okok max... i really can't remember that...maybe i had a fight with her or somethign and she didn't want to answer my call.. bwahaha
cecilia: yes.. if i planned a party... would u come? hehe
james: yah.. dunno what they saw in me!
Same thing here mate, I grew out of Friendster during its prime and see much we have lost... *sigh*
But your ex-gfs are great!
isn't that gee ann by the rubbles?
you're ann's ex?
Hey Timony,
I recommend you to check my this post out about
It'll b a super good way to "take revenge"..
wao.. ur gf atu all hot ah. haha not bad. nx time wife hotter k? dn care about the past, its gooooone! they're called EX-es for a reason, timothy! now, aren't you going abit too OPEN with ur personal life with all the pics here??
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hi there, was just browsing through when i saw this post..and i was looking through the pics of all these hot girls when suddenly i noticed something...wait a minute, that's a friend of mine standing beside your 1st ex in the picture! what a small world this is..
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