Friday, June 13, 2008

Made of Honor at JW Marriott

For those of you who don't know, last night... courtesy of Hong Leong Online, 100 Nuffnangers were invited to an 8-Course dinner at the JW Marriott, just before a premier screening of the movie Made of Honor, a movie that's only coming out in 1-2 weeks time.When I first got there (I was a little late being stuck in the jam on the way there), everyone was already mingling around.

It's easy to spot the 100 Nuffnangers in the crowd. Really easy.

All you gotta do is look for a bunch of guys and girls each with cameras in their hands and each taking lots of pictures of each other.

And when group pictures are being taken, it's always a case where right after the first picture is taken, one or two more people picture say
"Wait wait.. one more.. with my camera".And occasionally you hear someone say
"Aiyah no need already lar.. I send to you my picture".

And the typical reply to that is
"No lah!! You never send me wan!!!"

Everyone was looking their best.

It was really really nice to see everyone dress up.

All the guy Nuffnangers dressed up in their suits looking their best and all the girl Nuffnangers dressed up in the most beautiful dresses looking as hot as ever.

We soon got started with our 8-course menu and dinner flew by really really quick.

They say time really flies when you're with good company... I couldn't agree more.

Okay this has got to be the quickest blog entry I have ever had to write since I gotta run off for a meeting now so I'm going to leave you guys with a few pictures of some of the pictures from last night.

I just realized that I didn't take as many pictures as I hoped that night. Missed out taking pictures with own camera with quite a number of Nuffnangers there.

After dinner we headed off to watch Made of Honor. I was among a bunch of girls who were all drooling over "McDreamy".


What a wonderful night.


David Cheong said...

Boss never take picture with me, hmph!

I merajuk XD hahahaha

.:Baby Gin:. said...

oh! i 4got to tell u! i got tigerrr bikini! u wanna let wen qi wear? ;p

RealGunners said...

u sure the bunch of girls were drooling over McDreamy? Maybe there were drooling over u being with them leh... =D

~YM~ said...

aiya..wan go over greet boss, but boss surrounded by so many pretty girls, I can't even get near u...huhu.. -.-"

joshuaongys said...

lol @ david cheong... his own KOTEKS member - ME also he didnt take picture with, why will he take pic with u hahaha

and yea we should actually take a BIG group picture of us.. 100 nuffnangers in a pic.. dat would be real cool...

Big Boys Oven said...

walio! I forgotten about this one !lol!

Boss Stewie said...

david: eh wait.. i saw u!!! but u din ask to take wiht me wan!

Boss Stewie said...

baby: HAH!!!

real: no larr... i where got soo lucky

ym: ehh.. what lar.. i where got surrounded by pretty girls..

joshua: aww wei u din ask me to take pic wei! i said hallo to uw at

big: hah lol

Wen-Qi said...

McDreamy.... yum yummmm....

RealGunners said...

Boss said he wasn't surrounded by pretty girls.. does he mean the girls surrounding him were not pretty @ ugly??

Dem no manners la wei boss... =D

.:Baby Gin:. said...

why u hah me!! u ownself tell me u gonna wear lion or tiger ma!! so wen qi shuld match wad! ohohoh

NiC said...


i saw an adv at McD which putting a Sundae cone with the word, McDreammy...

love him...his eye especially

Hwei Ming said...

Hey tim.. nice seeing you there..

hope my group of friends didnt make too much noise..:)

KY said...

why you never put wwq's funny pic!

ahlost said...

I want to file a complain, can? How come no event for us over here geh? I want to move to KL liao !!

Cheng Chun said...

Bossie. This is Cheng Chun. See I do read your blog la!!! :P

I know. All the girls are like McDreamy McDreamy. Aihhhhhhh.

missyunnie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
missyunnie said...

Hey Ewe Tiam,finally found your blog and read it after sekian lama. Looks like a fab nite you had there. Chat soon k?? me having exams now so gotta get off the Net fast! take care!


Boss Stewie said...

wen-qi: HMPH

real: no lar!!!! why u look at it that way wan

baby: haha!!! which reminds me i haf to remind someone to get it for me

nic: hor!!! capitalizing on mcdreamy's name

hwei MIng: no lar where got make noise

ky: hahaha... after she keel me

ahlost: sorry la.. so happens everything is in kl... including all the events our clients plan

cheng: hahaha thank u:P

miss: hello yun-zia. long time no see

Anonymous said...

so fun~ hope i can win this wild life invitation thingy~ cos i m in moscow so cant go any of these events *coming back this fri!! wakakaka

Anonymous said...

how come ur desert is nicely served and mine with all the ice cream melting on top of the cake!?!!

so sucky not to be the boss ler

MaN|acZ said...

aih... boss .. so lucky , always surrounded by beautiful gals .


Simon Seow said...

Where's the pic I took with you boss?