Everything from answering e-mails from bloggers to hiring more people to doing our own accounting to doing sales pitches to get the sales in.
Then as the network grew and our clients became bigger and bigger, the team grew bigger and we had more help but the growth of Nuffnang has been so fast that even till today we haven't been able to hire everyone we need.
For a startup entrepreneur, it's a very liberating yet worrying feeling to have more people working with you. Liberating because you have more help and can afford to delegate but worrying because you have to start trusting your colleagues that they will do a better job than you.
In the past, whatever community events were all mostly planned single-handedly by myself too (though of course they were in a very much smaller scale then since Nuffnang was a lot smaller then compared to now). That means I even did all the packing of goodie bags too.

But last weekend's Wild "Live" Blogging event was a first for me.
One day many months ago my mum called me up and said
"Son.. you are working so hard you are going to burn out, you MUST learn to delegate and just focus on the things that really really matter".
So in the Wild "Live" Blogging, I really let go. Rather than go through all the details, all I did was oversee to make sure everything was going as planned pre-event and signing all the cheques.
Robb and my other colleagues at Nuffnang handled the rest, even the sourcing of my LION COSTUME.

Okay I just have gotta say this.
Nuffnangers are among the most sporting people I ever know.
I mean... have an animal-themed party anywhere else and chances are.. maybe only 20% of the crowd will really come as animals.
But have one with Nuffnangers and almost EVERYONE turned up in their animal costumes.
I'm just gonna show you guys some pics of the wonderful night we all had.
Lets start with Michbaby who came as a bunny.

There were quite a few girls there that came as Playboy bunnies hehe.

I have never seen a gorilla cross the road before.

Or otherwise known as my LION QUEEN for the night so to speak.

My colleagues have a talent for hiring the hottest "Nuffies".

Look how everyone is smiling...
such a nice feeling.

or later everyone learned to space out a little.

We had a few butterflies that night, all with big big wings. It was so cute.
And finalllyyy...

Including our Nuffnang PR, Kim from KimKomm.
To my colleagues who did a fantastic job, congratulations.
Thanks very much to Maxis Broadband for whom without... we would never be able to hold such an event for all 200 of us.
And finally... thanks to all you Nuffnangers who made the party WILD beyond our imagination.
If you guys wanna see more pictures, click here for Shaolintiger's set and here for Kid Chan Studios our official photographer of the night.
<3 i heart nuffnang! never ever felt like work :)
tock stole my laptop!!!
brilliant event.
Kudos to Nuffnang!
too bad i skipped it.. haih..
nw... organize something in the east!
omgomgomg nuffnang i wuff ewww~
this is my first ever bloggers' event, and i loved every moment of it!
kudos 2 ur team, boss, very well done!
and faster come up with another event!
my dad promised 2 join it wif me this time!
kim: aww i heart kimcun too
ky: hahaha lol
debra: thank u :P
real: why lar u din goo
accyee: ahhaha aww u know why it's hard to organize something in the east rite.. a lot of logistical problems for us since we're all here in the west. but we have some plans.. don't know how well they will take off yet
sammy: hahaha okokok fine fine
i stole tim's laptop more like! because he cannot win anything i win on his behalf la. sorry i didn't know i so terror wahaha.
see how much i <3 u mr.tiam.
Kim should have won, or at least someone who made their own costume, not just someone who rented it...not exactly a lot of effort or creative is it!
I complain, give me the laptop..or at least the PSP..
bcz i had something planned on that day long ago, i don't really hav any animal costumes, and i'm jobless so hav no $$ to buy..
next time la.. hehehe
my gosssh... kenny was soooo cuuute...
That's good costume to get throngs of girls pinching your cheek...
I should get that one for another party....
aiya just 2 words for you larh.. GOOD JOB!! heeeehehehehe
looks awesome! :D
I'm so going to the next nuffnang party !!! So much fun !!
I heart you boss!! Next time more such events leh... Aiya, forgot take photo with boss again.. -.-"
Next time gonna kidnap you! :P
if i remember correctly kenny wasn't dancing with the cow boy la... he was taking a bit at the tet tet hahahhahah
Hahaa... Really had so much fun! Well ,thanks Tim & Kim who let me join the fun (u know wat i mean?!*wink*)! Nuffnang is one big familia (family)...
ky: enough already la about the laptop.
Great party except for the heat.
Really hope that I can join this crowd next time
Ya Boss wanna ask you, what's the meaning of "go stewie on you"?
wahlaaa... the butterfly is me... heheheheee...
but thank u very much Tim.. thank you Nuffnang... for organizing such wonderful event for us...
i enjoyed every single parties n events that nuffnang invited me... thanks alot...
p.s: i just realised i did not take pics with u that night... next time we take k Tim...
great! nw organize smthng in east msia pls!
hihi the boss of nuffnang...
another successful party.. wish i can join too... next time can organise in oversea?haha!!
haha thank you for the wonderful party. anyway i thought your outfit was COOL. or maybe "hot" in a way. ahahaha.
It was indeed a great wild party u had ... nice work.. miau miau ~ :)
i heart nuffnang kao kao.
less than three less than three
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