Whew today was quite a day man. I was driving all around Klang Valley all day going for meetings after meetings but you know what the best thing was? I enjoyed every single one of them meetings.
I think I'm blessed. Blessed that I work with people I really really enjoy working with. I mean I have meetings with people who are smart, reasonable and fun people so it's always a pleasure meeting them.
I ended the day catching a movie with Princess. While the Nuffnangers were all in 1-Utama watching the Nuffnang Screening of Phobia 2, I was chicken shit. I saw the trailer of Phobia 2, realized how scary it looked and I decided "FUCK NO!".
So Princess and I went to Pavilion instead to watch our long awaited movie. Time Traveller's Wife.

A lot of people were telling me that the movie sucks compared to the book but I thought it was really quite nice. The only thing I didn't like was the ending though. The ending scene in the movie wasn't what happened in the book and the ending in the book was just a lot more original. I don't know why they would change the ending.
Oh well I guess we may never know.
Another thing that's new to me lately is my latest addiction. Every time I go grocery shopping, this has got to be one of my favourite aisles.
Now if you've been reading my blog from a long time back you'd know that I'm a big Yakult addict. One a day at least, sometimes more though I try not to have more than 2 in a day like I used to.
I've lately decided to switch to Nutrigen though. Just to try it out a little. The whole switch was a bit of a gradual transition. First I decided to buy like.. just one pack of Nutrigen and the rest Yakult. Then as I grew to like Nutrigen I ended up taking more and more and just this week I've completed my switch to just purely Nutrigen.
Funny because when I was a kid my parents used to buy me Vitagen. Then when I grew up I started drinking Yakult and now I'm drinking Nutrigen. It's almost like I've been through all the drinks in this category.
Think I'll stick to Nutrigen for a while. My fridge is pretty stocked up too :)
Does anyone else drink Nutrigen?

One last story before I go. Some time last week (or the week before) I was over at Princess' place. I was just sitting around in her room playing with my phone when she came in with a big plastic bag and put it down in front of me.
"Here.... my mum ask me to give you".
I looked into the plastic bag and saw what I later counted to be 183 condoms.
I was stunned for a while.... then I asked Princess what the deal was and she said "I dunno". I eventually found out that it's because Princess' mum's knows someone who owns a condom factory and was given this huge bag by them.
She didn't know what to do with them so she gave them to me to distribute it.
When I left her house that night I said "Bye Aunty! Thanks for the 6 months supply of condoms".
She replied
I nervously chuckled "uhh uhh.. kidding kidding... 10 years 10 years".
Then last night I was over at Princess' place again and we were talking about someone we knew who recently got pregnant recently and she said
"Aiyoo why never use precaution one?"
I said
"Aunty, how come you never say why they so naughty go and do these things! That they just shouldn't have sex!".
Aunty replied
"These days where got couple don't do wan!"
My girlfriend's mum is COOL!
Funny enough I did a poll on my Twitter just a few days ago. I asked "Do you believe in sex only after marriage?"
I got quite a number of replies and only ONE said "Yes".
Among some of the other answers are answers like this
"err... nope. what if the guy sucks in bed then you married him?" - From Pinky
I drink nutrigen only because it is bigger compared to Yakult.. (so i am not going to finish a bottle in just 1 sip =.=''')
And ar boss..
Just went to Starbucks... they come out with the Xmas
'Toffee Nut Frap'!!!!!
not encouring you to drink ar LOL
juz inform :D
Hahahaha! Aud's mum is so farnee and open! Just like my mum. I heart. Parents these days are so cool lah!
Pinky sounds like a feminist! :P
And and and doesn't nutrigen taste abit 'no taste' compared to vitagen and yakult? Somehow I find it rather plain/faint/tasteless/not as tasty as the other two. Hmmm.
I drink at most two bottles of Vitagen everyday @@
But I think my mum secretly wants me to shift to **Nutrigen LOL
Sry, i typo-ed earlier and wrote nitrogen :/
Nutrigen is the cheapest of all. Hahahaha..and it tastes the same like Vitagen and Yakult :P
I still believe in Sex after marriage! Call me the odd one. HAHA!
"err... nope. what if the guy sucks in bed then you married him?" -Pinky
sucking in bed isn't sth to define the rest of one's marriage. it just makes things a bit more difficult.
not only that, the guy can just work on his performance and be better =p
and I don't think were attracted to our bf/gf and eventual life partner due to their sexual capabilities right?
and after all, when we marry, we marry for good times and in bad times.. hehe
LOL...agreed with Pinky :D
so it's around 20days/condom...for 10 years
hahaha! Nitrogen wtf! @jwxwei
Eh Boss! I was at pavillion watching time traveller's wife also cause I chicken dowan to watch Phobia. T___T
*High 5*?
I think they alter the ending so that it doesn't look as if Henry completely leaves the world...
Btw, wow, I'm surprise only ONE person say yes. LOL.
You must test drive the car before purchasing it right?
I like nutrigen! For the same reason as Zoe's tho - it's in bigger bottle and it tasted great too! It's nt too healthy to drink too much tho' coz it's bacteria - albeit good bacteria. Read some whr that it might have effects on your immune system if taken too much.
And yes! Princess mum is so cool. Hahah did you read about the 11 year old girl who gave birth on her wedding? :P
Yay! Time Traveller's Wife! Gonna watch it tomorrow.
I haven't had any of those drinks for so long. Hmm.. wish I had some now.. grrr.. why are you always talking about Mamee and Vitagen?
Princess' mum is the funniest. I don't think I can have that kinda conversation with my mum.
you missed out big time, phobia2 was so awesome!!!
phobia 2 is scary and funny at the same time..probably the condom is not for u to distribute..perhaps personal use??=P
zoe: oooh but I like Coffee Bean's Hazelnut Caramel that they have ever Christmas
michelle: actually I like Nutrigen's taste more than Yakult and Vitagen now. I guess it's just personal preference
jwxwei: Why does your mum want you to shift to Nutrigen?
syn: ahh! well done on you!
going: well I guess I'll never know until i get married . So until then... :)
tony : hahah Pinky has her supporters
Ray: yah haha
solitary: Eh did we watch same time? I didn't see u also
gypsy: aww but I thought the book ending would've been so much more original
mellissa: ahh that's what Pinky says haha
melanie: effects on immune system? Really??? where did u read that
pink: hehe it's definitely worth watching. Princess mum is cool :)
ky: hahahaha no regrets!!!
fong: haha no i don't think i can use that much
I support all kinds of yogurt drinks / Yakult / Nutrigen / Vitagen.
Hmm...I believe in sex after marriage.
Call me traditional / old thinking / conservative... -_-
What's your answer to your question? =P
First of all, I believe in sex after marriage. You don't really know what the guy/girl will say about you if you had sex and then broke up right? Might kill your status or something..
Secondly, Vitagen is still the best! =D
lolol PHOBIA2 was DAMN AWESOME hahaha
vy: but which one do you drink of the lot?
nikki: ooh i vitagen supporter...
suanie: yeah i heard.. but i still dowan see
dang, i practice "testdriving" my "products" before purchasing them if you know what i mean =)
it's crucial! dont want to end up with a defect :S
haha Audrey mom is so cool, give you so many condom! save a lot of money :)
haha sex(or making love) just play a huge role in a relationship, for me at least.
Hahaha! Yeah that was indeed a funny exchange, expecially the 6 months/10 years part. :)
hahahahaha . audrey`s mom is cool.. HAHAHA.. "aiyo,where got couple dont do wan" hahah!.. and the 183 condoms.. walaoo !!!
and i like pinky`s quote.
"err... nope. what if the guy sucks in bed then you married him?"
i love yogurt with fruits more. not fancy sweet nutrigen as its too sweet for me. hehe. yeah your gf's mom is cool. lol*
Hi Timothy~ I have been reading you and your princess's blog since I know Jason. This is the first time leaving comment here. =)
I love the movie The Time Traveller's Wife. It is touching but I still managed to hold my tear from rolling down because I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of the bf. :P
I prefer Nutrigen because the portion of Yakult is just too small. Can finish a bottle in a sip? @_@
Your gf's mum is cool~~~ HAHA
she brought it home one day and said it was tastier o___O
183 condoms = approval for a limited time only? I mean who's bf's gf's mom would give him a condom, let alone ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY THREE condoms?
So did you put them to good use or not? Condoms have shelf life wan leh. The later you use it, the higher the risk. XD
boss, since you got free supply of condoms, please do send me some... i don't want ACCIDENT to happen... thank you and god bless me and you for best created thing in the world, CONDOM... please send to me some now!!!
Hmmm...the last time my fridge was stocked with vitagen. My dad likes vitagen. =P
Tim, i guess u have bought some shares of Mamee. rite? If not, then u have to buy some now. maybe u can get some insider info from Pierre, and also...can email me then. LOL
"These days where got couple don't do wan!" Can ask her, "last time you also naughty rite aunty?" :D
Cool mom!
great day! :)
lol.. known about the condoms via twitter..
and i wanna watch traveler's wife too! =D
Wah, Princess's mom is so cool! About the sex thingy. Not bad.
Put it this way, if you can wait till after marriage for sex, it means that your relationship is based on love. If sex is a predominant factor of two people in a relationship, then it is not love. That's lust.
Win free K Box vouchers when u shop with us at www.p-closet.com
Holy cow, 163 condoms??
I drink Vitagen because I work in Vitagen Co.. blahhhh...
haha dude. if you're marrying a guy based on his sexual prowess then maybe you need to rethink your priorities wtf. so it's like... he's the best thing that's ever happened to you and... you'd refuse to marry him (assuming he says he only wants sex after marriage) just because you haven't "test-driven" him yet? what? his character is not good enough for you?
i'm old-school that way :D
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