I wanna go as a pirate.
So I managed to find some time on my busy day to pay a visit to a little costume shop.
My imagination was running wild!
Was I going to dress like Jack Sparrow?

Or like Orlando Bloom...

So I ran into the little costume shop with excitement!
The woman in the shop looked like she instantly knew what I was looking for.
She said
"I have just the thing for you.... one minute".
She came back with a stack of clothes and said
"Try this on... the most important part is the pants because that makes you look like a Pirate".
I jumped with excitement and ran into the fitting room.
5 minutes later, I heard her knock on my door
"I'm coming in.... I wanna see how it looks on you".
She saw me standing in the middle of the room like that.

I looked at her and said
"I said PIRATE... NOT GENIE...."
Anyone want 3 wishes?
wakaka, 1st
cool boss
this is not pirates of the carribean
this is lawrence of arabia :P
or timothy of penang
jason: LOL!!.. timothy of penang doens't dres liks this on a daily basis ok?
suanie: LOL yes yes
Ha!Ha!He! He! I almost fall down from my chair looking the pic!!! Whos skist r u wearing??? Perhap u should wear the leotard wear by ladies going to the gym & you tear it up & dirty it up a bit. Then u wear some torn up t-shirt without the collar & of couse tear it up & dirty iy up also. If can shown of ur chest better still ( got hairy chest best, if no hair u can alway draw some hair using magic pen )the rest use ur imagination. There I am sure u will be a fine pirate.
P/S hope u r not offended by my coment.
Have a nice day & I look forward to entry on this event.
hor ny: hahahaha.. glad it made you laugh...DIY pirate suit eh.. i'll think about that
Well... it really does look like a genie costume instead... Oh wait, where's the turban ?? Hahahaha!
*rubs lamp gleefully*
I wanna go for the screening too!
wtheck boss! HAHAHAHAHAH
wheee free screening, how do we get invited?
CAN we get invited?
GENIE GENIE my first wish is to get invited WHEE :D
lolol n00b!
nigerian: did you write in to us??? better do it quick.. last i heard we're running real short on tickets
andrew: LOL... did you write in for it?
kimberly:hah! well we're going to have to see what YOU COME IN
pirate ala Sinbad style..
You look like a Black and Blue Satin Flying Squirrel with all that cloth flapping around.
(I mean that in the best possible way - it's kinda cute)
Anyway, thanks for the laugh - really needed it.
(Long day at work)
boss, teach me how to allow anonymous comment. thks
To laugh or to cry. I donno.
boss, why ur face looks like faded?
jenkin: lol lol
j: yes yes laugh all you want.. that's what boss stewie is here for
5xmom: hehehe yes yes
her feiness: laugh first.. cry later
jason: hahaha blur picture
boss, u still haven teach me :(
Eh can wear casual instead? =,=
I got no idea at all lerh~
i tried not to laugh. really. i tried. but i couldnt hold it in! hahahaaha
u really DO look like a genie.
ok 3 wishes:
1. blog at least 1x a day for the nxt fortnight!
2. share ur nxt tub of haagen dazs with me!
3. force wordpress to allow adding nuffnang ads on blogs for non-paying customers!
haha. :)
Oh man, before I read this blog entry I saw the pic first. I thought the pic was photoshopped and sent to you by one of your readers. Never in my life would I have thought that you'd wear a dress! That's right. A dress! That's what your outfit looks like to me haha.
If you've decided to wear that you might as well get some jewelery to match the outfit. And a turban too. Give a sparkly, shiny look to you :P
Oh you're gonna stand out in the movie screening in this outfit for sure :P
Captain Jack Sparrow would look awesome in that..
hahaha..it looks very err..cool yea? haha can i have my 3 wishes??..more nuffnang ads..more money from your ads..and 1 more..can i have another 3 wishes? muahaha..too bad i cant join the opening..next time..
jason: ehh how to teach u leh?
jason: yes it is! lol
aaron: can ler can!
daphne: hahaha daphne.. come on.. u know that if i had the time to update my blog every day or every fortnight , that's exactly what i would do... perhaps i should turn problogger
nicholas: hahaa no ler no ler.. i decided not to wear this one.. it's not a pirate costume! it's a GENIE
jackson: yes... them british would see him a mile away
joe: why can't u join?
actually i can ler..haha..because originally i thought it clashed with my exam..now too late ler? or m i not??
just publish here lor
ROTL... so funny la the pic! exactly like a genie! Silly saleswoman!
Err..are you going to take off your glasses, shaved your head and leave a pony tail behind? Then only you look more like a genie...kekeke
P/s If I were you, I won't go to the party like that :P
Aladdin mia Genie...
joe: ahh i don't know.. why don't you email samantha.wong [@] nuffnang [dot] com to see if she has anymore tickets.
jason: lol
jac: yes! silly saleswoman!
criz: hahaha i know.. i also dare not go man
clare: yes yes! exactly
lol.. somehow reminds me of sinbad!
I just need one wish - to see you in that costume vis-a-vis! You rock la wei.
I just need one wish - to see you in that costume vis-a-vis! You rock la wei.
Lose the top, add a bit of bling, and you can so go as a belly dancer ;)
roflol...looks like aladdin =X
ohmygawsh u look so cute!!!!!
the costume, the face! so cute!
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