What happened was this.
One of my friends, lets call him Jacob was away in the toilet when the rest of us who were there talked to his girlfriend and asked her "Hey how long do you think?"
First she asked what the definition of it meant, whether it included foreplay or not and we said NO. Only actual intercourse is counted.
Her answer then was...
"10 Minutes".
So fair enough right?
We went back to our beers until Jacob came back.

Now the thing about asking this question to guys and girls is. Most girls will be honest about it but most guys find it natural to exaggerate a little bit. Obviously Jacob's girlfriend's answer should be pretty accurate right?
Then we waited for Jacob to come back from the toilet and we asked him the same question.
His answer.. true enough was... "20 minutes!!!".
What's the actual answer then.
I was browsing through YouTube the other day,

You can watch the video for the answer.
Or if you're in the office and can't watch it fine let me give you the answer.
The average duration of a sex session is 3-7 minutes.
Compare this to the poll results that you guys submitted.

oh I'm average I guess. I put 3-7 minutes :D
boss, i wld say most of your readers are inexperienced perhaps? hahaha.
or maybe 22% of them who answered are female and 78% male. :P
I voted the 3 - 7 minutes one too!
Wait. So means good or bad.
fengy: hahah yes u're average
robb: what u mean by that wor?
ky: hahahaha
may zhee: good cuz u're honest sicne that's the average... so to speak
haha i agree with robb, maybe most of your readers are inexperienced.
Why would you want to know that actually?! :-D
inexperienced leads to exaggeration no?
charlie: ahh!! lol
yling: just curioussss
daniel: aihh.. mayyybeee
Okay...I voted and I voted purely on what I think would be the average time...hahaha...I pakai-ed otak not pakai-ed experience...cause no experience!...sorry boss for tempering with the poll results...xD
u could've added a 2nd question: r u a dude or a chick?
then that would be more telling.. :D
WAHAHAHAHA! damn shy wei, damn why lol!
but at least i got it right ;)
HAHAHAHA. Funny lah this one. And I'm at the office. Haha. As are YOU in mine. =p Will watch the video now though. Haha.
lol! boss stewie din mention sex as in just penis-vaginal sexual intercourse itself ma. :P
But that gf very smart, cos if u ask a guy bout sex, all their mind is about that, if females, sex is also bout foreplay and hugs and love chats.
Maybe I'll pick up this topic one day in my blog too. n_n
informative timmy :) That odd though, i would think the guys would be striaght and say it to b shorter. Since they do not consider foreplay part of it, which is really dumb. so base on your exp :P what's your time?
oh ya, btw, guys doing it more than 10 mins very keng leh, cos it's like running as fast as a 100 meter race for more than 10 mins..lol!
P.S. I read this from somewhere few years back. Think it's a men's health mag.
lol.. 4 minutes is the average.. r
~ym~ - you're right! unless there's changing of positions la, and momentary rest, but is that counted as well?
BOSS, we need a more definite question!
solitary: HOR!!! nehmind lar.. hehe at least u participated
realgunners: yeah i should have don that huh
pamsong: hahaha how was the video
ym: hahaha ok fine maybe u haf a point
linora: HAHAHA my time? that's personal :P
aaron: wah! leng
spinzer: hahaha i donno.. u all define and then let me know the result
Loved it. =p
"Guys usually don't agree when girls say shorter times".. According to my girlfriends *LOL*
Actually I voted for 21-45 minutes XD
There is a reason, since Dr Chua ahem can do it then y not average person?
Then now I think he is spermaman of the century XD....ops Im supposed to type the word superman
he's a doctor! he has access to real good medicines! lol
With pills u mean? haha!opps.
21 - 45mins, i bet it will feel so sore after that.. :P
haha! i like this post! :D got to learn something new! HAHA!
Whatever happened to I love u long long time?? LOL! Somebody forgot the foreplay? Think making love is not just the act itself......it's the whole shebang that leads up to it, the candle lit dinner, soft music, a little wining & dining that creates an unforgettable evening. It's the quality bros not just the 'get right down to it'. LOL!
I agree that making love is a process... a couple could be making love all day long without sex.. hmm, average sex of 3-7 mins? kind of quick eh?
it really depends on ur libido la... if u are 21 years old, hell you can rock like a horse all nite long...
if u are 29, u might be an old horse waiting to be rocked on rather than rocking someone..
if u are 29 and u are on viagra, then it makes u like u wish u were 21 rocking all nite long again...
if u are 32 with viagra and liquor, then u will be just like a foreign porno actor rocking the lady non stop...
on my average (without viagra and liquor and what not), it shud last 20mins (just the sex alone)...
if u last 3 - 7 mins, u are a greenhorn!
the art of making love is not the sex itself but how you control yourself to satisfy the girl! (hey i am talking from experience man)
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