Friday, April 24, 2009

Alone At Night In The Nuffnang Office

The Nuffnang office is a place where you'll see people in almost 15 of the 24 hours of the day. Sometimes some of us end up staying till very late so even at night say 8.30PM you'll often see at least some of us still around.

Last night the Nuffies went to Hennessy Artistry together. I didn't go. Chose instead to stay home and play XBOX. Yes I know I'm anti-social. 

So right after work they all went to Pavilion for dinner together just before they went for the event. Sue had a lot of work to do though so she decided to stay behind.

This is how the Nuffnang Office looks late at night when everyone is gone. I took this picture some time ago and it was at like 12AM or something when I was working late alone.

While everyone was out, suddenly the electricity supply in the entire office building got cut off and our office went almost totally dark (except for the lights from the neighbouring buildings through our windows).

Sue was all alone and she got a little scared so she called up Nicholas to ask when the rest of the Nuffies were coming back to the office.

Nicholas told her they were coming back soon but added 
"Hey Sue, sometimes at night right one of the toilets will keep overflowing but if that happens then just ignore it ok?"

Sue went something like

And Nicholas went on to add again
"Oh and if you hear like the sound of a baby crying from the toilet then just ignore it ok?"

I don't know what Sue said after that but I heard from the rest that by the time they all got back from dinner they saw Sue waiting in the lobby of our building with all the security guards looking very traumatized.

Nicholas and the rest all had a good laugh about it. They told me about it over lunch today.

Nicholas was saying
"I don't understand why some people are so scared of ghosts. I mean if it was me and I heard a toilet overflowing and a baby crying in the middle of the night I would just open the door and shout "THE FUCK IS GOING ON IN HERE?!?!"

Project 365: Day 68, 24th April 2009

I'd really love to see Nicholas do that.

What would you guys do if you heard something like that at home or in the office late at night?


pinkpaperplane said...

What if the sounds were caused by some psycho killer trying to drown a baby by stuffing him down the toilet! I'd completely freak out!

Pam Song said...

Nicholas say only lah. Sure sket wan. Haha. Hug the bodyguard and cry. =p

Boss Stewie said...

pink: HAHAHA WTF?!?

pamsong: hahahahaha i just showed him your comment.... he laughed it off.. macho macho man

Pam Song said...

He can laugh... but he can't hide. They're coming for him... Woooooooooooooooo...

Dennis Lim said...

haha.. this article is good.

ahlost said...

Hahahahaha !! Jahatz !!

My former company got this "click clock click clock" staircase sound at night.. O_o

blurblurpiggy said...

I used to work in Klcc on the 69th floor and because a colleague told me that he heard noises and saw shadows when he stayed back late, I was scared to stay back in the office. I do go to the office really early though like 6 am or 6.30 am and I would make sure all the lights were turned on. I'm more afraid of the dark and robbers than ghosts i think. lol

Unknown said...

i agree with pink also!!! it's not the ghost that is scary... is the human!! lol..

ya my factory office after every one left for home... the office will be dark.. then sometimes inside our photostat room the photostat machine will start functioning with out power... and printing some kind of shadow face... it was said that it was the face of one of the dead operator many years back!!! or maybe is just an old machine with a faulty power outlet???

electronicfly said...

*amithaba amithaba amithaba*


Donna said...

For mysterious water toilet water overflowing
I will hide inside my blanket and breath carefully so that the ghost dont know i am awake! >__<

For baby crying:
I will pretend i am still sleeping, so that the "baby" knows i wont entertaint "it" and go find Nicholas instead.

choco said...

aiyo, the answer to that question is so simple la.



Boss Stewie said...

pamsong: hahaha i don't think he's afraid.. but you're beginning to scare me now

dennis: haha thank u

ahlost: haha but that's jsut a clock

Boss Stewie said...

blur: this cab driver used to tell me that office buildings have a lot of ghosts because a lot of people die trying to construct it... so... at least that's what they say

keat: ok now u're beginning to scare me


dolly: hahahaha.. i think that's everyone's reation.. stay still.. or find nicholas for help

choco: hahahaha

PienTai Yoda Sensei said...

I'll surely ask for 4 Digit Number from the baby!

Clare said...

I'm probably dreaming and will fall back to sleep :P

Ray said...

rule of thumb : you don't give a damn about the baby, the baby won't give a damn about you too.

So I will pretend there's nothing happening...

Boss Stewie said...

pien: hahahaha... so chinaman !

clare: hahaha... then what if it pokes u

ray: hahahaha! okok i'll take ur advice

Huai Bin said...

Same as Nicholas, mate. I don't believe in ghosts. I'm scared of spiders coz it's tangible. I haven't seen any ghosts before no matter how hard I try (sleep deprivation hallucinations and other chemically induced discounted). :)

小熊五郎 said...

that's super scary! i will close my eyes, do the business and run back to my bed and hide inside lol

Michelle said...

nicholas is sooo bad.. poor sue..

Unknown said...

just hide under blanket.. everything will go away...

i can't see you so you can't see me.. hahaha

Anonymous said...

wtf??? serious ernot nicho?? i think u wud have done like wad pamsong saids '' run downstairs hug the bodyguard and cry''

贝壳·陈 said...

wah i'll do exactly what Sue did!!
lol..scared one lor wei!!

Pinky Tham said...

nic look scarier than those crying babe...

Sue said...

JU On in Nuffnang office!! Tak romantic langsung when no 1 is there with me! Damn Nick....How come I look traumatized? Was waiting for Nick to go to the Hennessy Artistry la! Were running late...

Zi Sheng said...

Hey! Are u working at Nuffnang melbourne?

VAL said...


dont say those stuffs to a girl lahh very mean leh.