Thursday, April 02, 2009

Project 365: Day 45, 1st April 2009

Went to watch the Premiere of Fast & Furious last night at Cineleisure.

Such a great movie, I thought Vin Diesel is the epitome of masculine men! Princess thinks he's ugly though.

Took a picture right after the movie with Princess and KY.
Funny thing I saw while at The Curve last night. There were two dudes sitting on the stairs leading up to Cineleisure. They were sitting there and whenever some random chicks walk past, one of them would do that lip whistling sound to get her attention. When the girl turned around to look, he would pat the floor next to him with his hand indicating that he's asking her to come sit with them and talk.

So far I saw a couple of girls and they both ignored him. But for them to keep trying this.. it must work on some girls right? Otherwise why would they keep trying?

Does it?


man7drake said...

32nd march???

electronicfly said...

Maybe they were actually Psychology students, trying out an experiment.


I think I found my next assignment topic. :D

ahlost said...

Yupz.. I've similar case like yours where younger girls would love to be whistled .. seriously.. especially those who are in secondary school !!

Jeffro said...

hahaha.. i think Boss Tim doesn't like 1st April aka Fool's Day..

Those experiments must have failed alot.. if it worked, it must have been fluked.. =D

Anonymous said...

Surely that wouldn't work....I know I'd just roll my eyes at them and continue walking haha.

贝壳·陈 said...

hmm i think it may work on some girls, but definitely NOT me!!haha.

Beverly said...

i didn't know march has 32 days. haha! april fool's! boo!

- m i c h e l l e - said...

No, I don't think it'll work lor in Malaysia. I wouldn't even bother turning my head sometimes. But in Melb, I think higher chances it might work.

Melanie said...

32nd March! Haha , I think you need neww specs :P

Btw, It doesn't work on girls for guys to be whistling at us no matter hw many times they try! It's a turn off! and show how much the guy disrespect us.

vss3t said...

i think that is the worst pick-up or attention seeking type of move ever! it's sooo Chava (haha! if you still remember this street word bk in UK) and uggh! cheapo to the max! a major turn off if u're asking me. i'd like to kick those guys' nuts.

Pam Song said...

No it doesn't work! At all. Ingatkan ape? Panggil anjing!? Boo.

KY said...

ok this is a bit weird now, you like vin diesel but princess doesn't? role reversal?

Cobalt Paladin said...

Maybe you'll understand better if you watched the movie Sex Drive. :p

Ken Wooi said...

lol they don't give up..