Thursday, April 23, 2009

Window Washing

Was in the office today and I happened to look out the window and saw a man washing the windows of the building right next to mine.

Project 365: Day 67, 23rd April 2009

I couldn't help but think.... "What will happen if it suddenly started raining heavily?"


Anonymous said...

.. he will start cursing his job then. ;p

electronicfly said...

free rinse?

Jeffro said...

oh well, he'll gotta start all over again... what a bummer..

The Despirited said...

he'll have excuse to take a break :D

yapthomas said...

say.. free water to wash window..? and he can wash faster also.. more water!!

Love a Lot said...

hanging in the rain =)

Dennis Lim said...

If rain then i think he no need to clean cause the rain already clean those windows for him :P

Anonymous said...

erm .. doing the window washer rain dancing???

oush oush ahh!!!

JD said...

will still continue i guess, happened in my office few weeks back. and very noisy coz the cable keep hitting the glass each day. i wondered if they are paid highly because the nature of the job?

TianChad田七摄影 said...

If there is a heavy rain, I think he will fast fast go down to prevent lightning strike! ;p

Ray said...

He will strip his clothes and start singing "Ice Ice Baby"

KY said...

everybody know u don't wash the car when it rains, same as windows!

Boss Stewie said...

shaowei: or he might get paid a bonus for being wet in the rain

electronic: haha! makes the windows dirtier

jeffro: lol.. then he'll never finish

veronicle: yeah but what a way to go back up again

yapthomas: hahha but it's not the kind of water you want to use to wash

love-a-lot: yeash... and it gets slippery!

dennis:hahaha i don't think it works that way dude

stephanie: oush oush ahh hahahaa... funny

jd: oooh at least you know your office building has its windows cleaned

tian chad: no lar if he's not at the top of the building i don't think he'll kena any lightning

ray: lol

ky: hahha can you help it though

Stella said...

I've always wondered, if you like bungjy jumping you would like window washing?
like why pay HKD1500 to jump off a tower when you can get paid HKD6000to do it everyday?

shereensaw said...

same here, its been 2 days the 'spider-cleaner-men' clean our office window, I wonder what will happen if there's lightning, thunder, n it rains heavily...
